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Throne and Liberty Canary's Advice

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Toiho, Resistance! I appreciate your efforts in guarding the base. I heard that a new agent will be sent to Black Anvil Forge. That's why I'm writing this to share some things that'll help you get settled here. I hope this gets delivered to the new recruits. The most important thing is how you handle your alcohol. I'm a dwarf who has never drunk anything besides alcohol, but Black Anvil Legion dwarves are complete drunkards. If you see anyone walking around here, they're barely holding it together. Those who can't walk are completely wasted. If you want to talk to them, you have to be as drunk as them. So please learn to handle your drinks before carrying out your mission. A dwarf would feel like this is a blow to your pride. But that means you're not ready. Please make sure you're always drunk enough so that your pride becomes alcohol.

Then there's something you must bring. A medicine that removes your sense of smell. These dwarves don't know anything about hygiene, especially those from the mines. Recently, Arkeum demanded them to deliver more obsidian. Thanks to that, the miners are working longer hours. They have less time to drink, so naturally they have no time to shower. They work and sweat all day, then drink all night at the pub. When the sun comes up, they go back to work. Can you imagine how they smell? Hanging out with them really makes you rexamine your decision to come here. But someone must carry out the mission, right? And this is something no one else can do except us, the dwarves. Anyway, I hope you are prepared. Good luck. From your colleague, Canary