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Throne and Liberty The Story of Hammer at the Square

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Hello, friend! How have you been? I'm writing this letter to let you know that I finally have reached the Black Anvil Forge! It was not an easy journey, and I heard the news that the Black Anvil Forge has become hostile against both Humans and other Dwarves, but I didn't expect it was this bad. However, you know me! I found a helper from the inside. Yes, I went to the Black Anvil Forge only to see the masterpiece made by Brokerock. The very master who destroys his own works if he's not satisfied! And the giant anvil at the middle of the Black Anvil Plaza was just amazing! I could almost hear a hammering sound from the anvil! And to my surprise, the master is not here anymore! Since Pakilo Naru, the previous leader of the Black Anvil Legion, has been replaced by his daughter Bonia Naru, she's been driving out Pakilo's men, and Brokerock was one of them!

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He didn't want to stay here with such disrespect. Oh, the misery! I don't even know where to go to see his new works. Please find attached is my drawing of the Black Anvil. If you ever find out where Brokerock went, please let me know. I'll be in Talandre for a while. Goodbye, my friend! - Your friend and brother, Duphork