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Throne and Liberty A Letter for Nanny

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Natalie, I'm sorry to say this, but I have to ask you to take care of my son. You're the only one I can trust. I feel like I can't stay sane anymore... I blacked out a number of times yesterday, and me in my monster form, hurt people who were around me. Sometimes I can see myself turned into a monster, from outside of my body. I just don't know what to do... I think the vengeful monster in me is eating away at my soul... Even now, I can feel my hands growing numb... When... I come back to my senses again... I will write something for my son...

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Natalie, please give my son my message when he is old enough... Son, you are the most precious thing in the world for me. I will remember you forever. I will love you and protect you. Believe in yourself, don't let others let you down. Natalie, I'm always grateful for your love and loyalty. I'm sure you'll take care of him well. Don't tell him about me, it will hurt him if he knows about real me. I really wanted to see my boy growing up to a proper gentleman... Please... take good care of...