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Throne and Liberty A Record of Florification Curse

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Wounds caused by florified monsters have a high chance to turn victims into trees. Most of them die during the painful mutating process, but even if they survive, they turn into soulless monsters.

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Florification is a plant related curse magic, based on a shamanic spell that druids in the forest used. It was originally intended to be a healing spell; what they tried was to plant microspores in a human body, and let it fight against viruses that caused illnesses. But spores multiplied out of control unexpectedly, causing florification on patients. Eventually, druids forbade the use of this magic, and soon it became forgotten. The person who revived florification in Solisium was Sylon, an assassin who worked for the Crimson Family. Sylon used to be a druidic shaman, but when his tribe was massacred during the war, he turned to the Crimson Family to avenge his fallen kins. The Crimson Family was kidnapping countless people and performed various experiments on them to create the most lethal magic spell.

After ten years of research, Sylon finally created a very contagious and lethal magic using the forgotten florification curse along with dark magic. But right before the final test, an accident happened - test subjects caged in the Crimson Manor basement escaped and killed everyone in the Crimson Manor, including Sylon. Florified monsters then moved on to attack people in the nearby villages. Time went by, and most of the test subjects and infected victims died, but the it was not over yet. They sowed seeds, and some of their bodies were setting roots into the soil.