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Throne and Liberty Secrets of the Shepherd

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The ruined Bercant Manor features a dilapidated ranch. It's deserted now, but in the past it was filled with healthy sheep and numerous shepherds. Sam was one of those young shepherds. Sam and the other shepherds' favorite time of the day was when the daily necessities arrived from the mansion. Of course they appreciated the snacks inside the basket, but they were mostly looking forward to seeing Norn Bercant, who came with the basket. Norn was the kindhearted and beautiful second daughter of the Bercant Family. Sometimes, she would carry the huge basket all by herself without bothering the servants to help her. She prided herself in doing chores around the ranch and helping out wherever she could. The shepherds loved her visits as she was a fantastic listener who put up with their endless chattering without getting irritated. But one day, Norn wasn't there to drop off the basket. This concerned some of the shepherds, including Sam, who went to look for her. When Sam finally spotted her leaving the manor, he followed her all the way into a twisted forest. In the forest, a handsome young man was waiting for Norn. Norn and the man looked around to see if they were alone and then held hands while they took a walk in the forest.

Sam concluded from their careful behavior that they obviously felt this relationship needed to be kept a secret. The shepherd boys felt for the young couple and swore as a group to keep Norn's secret. But the young man they saw with her was named Lazarus and he was from the Crimson Family. Norn and Lazarus's relationship brought catastrophe to both families and many lost their lives. The shepherd boys and the neighbors were even swept up in the mess. Before this great tragedy struck, Sam left Talandre with his family. When he heard of the disaster, he regretted keeping their meeting a secret. But even if he had spoken up, no one would've listened to a mere shepherd boy, though that fact didn't give him any consolation. Until the moment he died, he regretted his decision. He so badly wanted to repent himself by visiting the Bercant family's grave. On behalf of Sam, who is no longer with us, I leave his story. Great-grandfather, please find peace in the heavens now. In the memory of my great-grandfather, Cindy Haven.