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Throne and Liberty Talandre Monsters: Vol. 2

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The Story of Spineflower Knights Written by Flin Dextern Talandre used to be a natural fortress surrounded by high rocky mountains, but after the Breezeline Station opened at Herba Village, it became a tourist spot. In the village square, there is an old lady named Serine, and she has been there since I started frequenting Talandre as a young man. She knows a lot of old stories and histories of Talandre, and Spineflower Knights was one of the most interesting stories she has ever told me. "A long time ago, Talandre was ruled by Duke Bercant. He had a daughter named Limuny, and she was the bravest and smartest person in the province." Serine started her story.

"The duke also had a son, but he sent away the son to Arkeum because he was afraid that the boy might steal his fief. So Limuny became the actual protector of this land." Limuny Bercant was a smart woman, and she was good with swords. She trained other ladies and founded an order of knights, the Spineflower Knights. For over ten years, the lady knights and their soldiers protected the land. "Every family wanted to sent their daughters to the Spineflower Knights. The knights were very well respected, and the pay was good, too." But when the duke died, things became serious. Yonhark Bercant came back from Arkeum to inherit the land and his father's title, and the feud between siblings began.

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"The greedy son had no intention to share the power with the lady. Can you imagine her frustrations? Limuny was the one who actually ran everything in this land." Their relatives sided with Yonhark, only because the duke used to prefer his son over the daughter. Then, a tragedy happened. No one knows why, but a terrible monster emerged from the basement of the Bercant Manor. Serine said that Limuny might have unleashed a curse or something out of fury. Anyways, Limuny turned into a plant because of this florification curse, along with all the knights from the Spineflower Knights. I was so curious to see humans turned into plants, so I started to head towards the Bercant Manor, but Serine stopped me.

"Don't go, young man. Do you know how dangerous it is over there? And florification is contagious!" Serine said the florification affected not just the knights, but everyone around the manor. Families of the fallen knights and people who tried to run away. Everyone who was at the Bercant Manor was now monsters. Serine didn't know where the curse came from, but said it was greed of the noble family who killed everyone. "Always stay modest. Greed destroys you, even noblemen. You remember that!" Such wise words from an old lady who must have lived more than a hundred years. But still, I want to see. Maybe I'll get some help from the Resistance to actually explore the horrible historic site.