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Throne and Liberty The Creation of Bercant Magenta

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Artisan Darsy's Boutique is located in Herba Village Square and specializes in making and selling high end clothes for the nobility. Commoners aren't even allowed past the door. However, I was recently granted a tour there and was allowed to see all of the priceless wonders for sale. I was particularly enchanted by one entire wall which was filled with a fabric with a strong reddish violet hue. This particular shade's official name is Bercant Magenta, which is the symbol of nobility around here. The color is a mixture of the strength of red, the elegance of violet, and the gravity of black, but the ambiance is what makes this color unique. Nobles wear this color during official events, which gave it its current association. The first to discover this color was Magellan, the owner of the dyeing workshop in Bercant Manor. When it was discovered, Solisium was at war with Trutizan. The head of the Bercant Family and a seasoned warrior, Henrak Bercant, ordered a specially colored uniform to celebrate victory and bestow upon the best of the warriors.

At first, Magellan tried mixing many dyes and pigments together, but couldn't find the perfect color. While this was going on, rain poured down upon Bercant Manor for several days straight. The river swelled and flooded Magellan's workshop. Even as floodwater was rushing into the workshop, Magellan and the servants stayed behind and tried to save their tools, supplies, and now-smeared fabric. In that moment, as the flood raged all around him, a vivid color that Magellan had never seen before caught his eyes. The flood brought seaweed and algae from Bamir River and mixed them with the dye in the workshop to create something entirely new. In order to find the secret behind the resulting majestic purple, Magellan worked day and night to figure out how to recreate it without relying on a flood. And after two weeks of sleepless nights, he had it. That was the creation of Bercant Magenta. The veteran soldier, Henrak, wore this magenta cloak when he made Trutizan kneel before him and wore it still when he returned to Solisium in triumph. That victorious, proud display became engraved in the hearts of the other nobles, and the magenta was established as "the" noble color from that moment on.