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Throne and Liberty To My Idiotic Coworker

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Weith! I heard that you presented a stupid thesis to the Herba academic society, that Eldrins and florified monsters were the same species! And you used OUR joint research as an evidence! Is this true? If it is, you are a conscienceless idiot beyond saving! You must agree that Eldrins are originated from the World Tree. Also the fact that they have been protecting the ancient forest with Elves. We even excavated the Jade Rock tribal village site together! The very village that Humans destroyed! Eldrins left when Elves left our world. Our research shows that. And you claim that florification originated from Eldrin? This is ridiculous!

Florification is a druid magic, and florified monsters are side effects of their magic. You talk as if these monsters are illegitimate children of the World Tree, but they are just people who were swallowed by plants. Nothing more, nothing less! I am sorry that the academy doesn't recognize you works. But you can't just barge in and say whatever you'd like! Where is you conscience as a scholar? I would have never agreed to study with you, if I knew what kind person you were. I hope we never meet again. P.S. Your belongings will be delivered to your place, so please don't come to my office.