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Throne and Liberty A Statue at the Crimson Shrine

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This happened to me when I just started my career as a sculptor. At that time, I was a novice apprentice running errands under a very well known sculptor, Mark Stone. One day, he received a strange request from the Crimson family of Talandre. They wanted statues for the shrine of their ancestors. Commissioning statues for house shrines was a not a strange thing, but details of their request was quite scandalous. They wanted an Einar's statues for the entrance, and a demon statues for the inside of the shrine. A demon's statue, in a place where should stay holy! I knew noblemen were a peculiar bunch, but this was way to bizarre But my master took the job as the pay was good, and I had to assist him until he was done with the project.

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Finally, statues were complete and set. The entrance with Einar's statues was the most holiest scene, but inside, demon statues cast ominous shadows over caskets of their ancestors. Crimson's man seemed very satisfied. "Very good. This place has finally become a suitable family tomb for the Crimson Family." The man said and left. I didn't understand what he meant by it back then. But a few years later, when monsters poured out from the Crimson Manor, I finally realized. Why they placed holy statues in the front, and demons inside. That was a metaphor of their true nature - a seemingly honorable noble family with evil secrets. Well, no one would know for sure, now that the all Crimson Family is all gone.