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Throne and Liberty A Voice Echoed Through the Wind

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Damn it, looks like I'm standing guard for Windwhisper Lodge tonight as well. The wind grows even stronger as the night darkens. I'm stuck listening to the sounds of the forest all night. Some of those sounds are eerie or downright frightening. Sometimes, I hear mournful cries. At other times... it's a full on desperate wailing. When I first heard those noises, I thought they were made by wild beasts... But when I opened my ears to the growing wind, I realized that it carried a person's voice. I mean, a voice carried by the wind? At first I thought I was delusional from staying up all night guarding the lodge. But on the day when the wind blew even stronger, it became clear. The noise wasn't coming from some wild beast.

It was clearly a human voice. I could make out the words. "It hurts... it hurts... my limbs... twisted like the roots..." "Skin... dry and dusty... cracking... pain! agony!" "Please... kill me... release me..." When the wind carried those words to me in the darkness, my whole body froze. Looking at the weathercock, the wind was blowing from the south. It was coming from Bercant Manor. I heard the people of the Bercant Manor were all killed by the flower curse. Then, could it have been... where is this voice coming from? And then I wonder. Can I do it? Can I stay sane until the morning comes?