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Throne and Liberty An Old Maid's Record

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I am an old woman now, old enough to know the ways of the world, but I still get chills when I think of that horrible day. When my poor family sent me to the Crimson Manor to become a housemaid, I was only fourteen. I was too skinny and small, and housekeeper Millar said she would take me in only if I agree that I would work for half of the wage. I agreed of course, and the housekeeper gave me a list of instructions to work as a maid. Keep myself clean, don't talk to the master unless I'm being told to, do not talk to outsiders about what was happening in the manor, and so on. She also told me never go near the basement. I didn't dare ask the housekeeper why, but other maids told me weird stories; that monstrous sounds are heard from the basement at night and such. There was also a rumor that the Crimsons were not just ordinary hunters, but actually man hunters. They were horrible and fascinating stories, and maids loved to talk about them.

But then someone crossed the line. A very brave and nosy maid actually went to the basement to see if all the rumors were true. But then she got caught by Millar, and was fired right on the spot. She didn't even have a chance to say goodbye. Maids stopped talking about the basement all together. I went directly to the bed when my daily work was done. On that day, I went to the Bell Tower Village to run an errand. When I got to the town, I heard a scream. I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw the nosy maid who was said to be fired. And she looked like a monster. It wasn't just her. There were other monsters too, all from the Crimson Manor House. They were attacking villagers, ripping them apart. Then dead people came back to life, and started to make another victims. I ran to Herba Village and survived, but what I saw on that day was burned into my mind. I wish I didn't go to the village on that day. I am glad that I was not brave or nosy enough to go the basement. I'm glad it was not me who turned into the horrible monster...