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Throne and Liberty Bamir River Boatman's Once Upon a Time

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Back in the old days, I used to sail a boat on the Bamir River. My customers were mostly the servants of the manor. I used to pick them up early in the morning and sail to Herba. After getting breakfast, they would hop back on. It didn't matter when I docked, I always had customers. Those were the good times. I didn't even feel the ache from rowing. Those who were dressed up, clean, and elegant were mostly people from Bercant Manor. I'm not saying this because I'm from there, but those people are born with elegance. They were a very renowned family who served in the army for generations. The Crimsons were also nobles, true, but the Bercants were on another level. Try as they might, the Crimsons never had elegance, even in their finest clothes. They also seemed... unwell. Whenever I had a Crimson as my first or last customer, something would feel off for the rest of the day. So when they were coming aboard, I always raised the fare a bit. I didn't think that would be an issue. The two clans hated each other! The whole region took sides, either overtly or discreetly, so my discriminating against them seemed like a fairly obvious thing to do. But then they found out.

One day, one of the Bercant servants boarded, completely wasted. Weirdly that day, I didn't have many customers and the weather was very chilly. Right as I was about to set sail, one of the Crimson soldiers chased the boat down without a word and just hopped on. Just like usual, I made them pay a premium. But this drunkard kept chattering, not being able to read the situation. "I mean, Sir Boatman! I know you hate the Crimsons, but how could you make them pay double? Haha!" I could feel the soldier's cold gaze piercing my heart. If looks could kill, I'd have been dead and buried. One of his hands jumped to his sword. I pushed that drunken idiot into the water, and I jumped in as well. I abandoned my boat and swam like my life depended on it. Looking back now, I don't even know how I swam against the rapid torrents. By the way, I hope you aren't from Crimson Manor.