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Throne and Liberty Summoning Manticus

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When I first met Pandor at the Einar Order office, the burned and blinded man was in shock. He was the witness who saw Manticus that I was supposed to question. After a few days, he finally came back to his senses and told us what happened to him. Ten years ago, he was a high ranked priest of the Sylavean Order. His job was to find Junobote, the Grand Elder who left the order, and persuade the elder to come back. So he did, but Junobote sternly declared that Sylaveth didn't exist anywhere in Diabolica. When Pandor screamed blasphemy, Junobote showed him the Forbidden Book he got from a demon. The book was irresistible for a mere human. The moment Pandor laid his eyes on the first page, his faith disappeared. All he wanted was to know Diabolica. He wanted to talk to demons. So he started studying dimensions. He ran from the order, and hid himself among the Mount Snowburn to keep on with the research.

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One day, while foraging ingredients for his research, Pandor was attacked by a hungry beast. When the beast was about to break his neck, a hunter intervened and saved him. The hunter introduced himself as a man from the Crimson Family. When the hunter found out about his research, he told Pandor that his master was interested in Diabolica as well, and could help his research. What the hunter said was true. The Crimson Family provided everything Pandor needed, and Pandor finally found a way to temporarily open a gate to Diabolica. On the fateful day, armed soldiers from the Crimson Family were summoned just in case monsters might come across from the other side. Pandor installed all the magical devices. When the dark stars aligned, he started the incantation. A thin red line appeared in an empty space, and started to open. Countless lightnings flashed beyond the slit. One of the veteran soldiers sensed something and held his sword high. Other soldiers readied themselves with iron nets to catch whatever that might come out from the opening.

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What Pandor wanted was a demon intelligent enough to make a conversation with him on precious knowledge of Diabolica. The slit began to close. Then when it was to about to be completely sealed, a giant shadow charged in. A lightning hit, and revealed a giant demon with a lion's face. Soldiers near the gate quickly threw their net, but the beast was faster, and kill the soldiers. Then a Crimson commander lured the beast into another net, and they finally caught the beast with some sacrifices. When things seemed to be over, a lighting struck again, revealing another hidden shadow. They realized that there were two of them. Then lightning hit them again. Everything burned, and Pandor lost his eyes. All he remembered was unbearable pain, screams, and the smell of burning flesh. Later, people found out that the demons Pandor summoned were Akman and Deckman, the Manticus Brothers.