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Throne and Liberty Talandre Monsters: Vol. 3

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Mutants of Plateau Written by Flin Dextern Talandre is known for high mountains and harsh environments. On the northern side of Talandre lies Mount Snowburn, where its perpetual snow creates a beautiful vista. This mountain is very high and steep, so it's not easy for humans nor monsters to climb. It made the place a very well reserved natural habitats of rare wild animals and plants. But while I was travelling the area, I heard a disturbing story that Plateau Goats and Plateau Peacocks that were native to this mountain were being attacked by mutants. "It's been happening for a while now. Weird looking ones coming up, and attacking the native species." Lumis, my mountain guide and a hunter explained the situation to me.

"Mutants are easy to spot. Especially peacocks. The native peacocks are white, which is their protective color, but mutants can be just whatever you can think of - red, blue, you name it." I followed Lumis to peacock's habitat, and I could see them from afar. White ones at the top of the mountain were relatively easy to spot as it was already summer, but if I came here in winter, I wouldn't have been able to identify them easily. Mutant peacocks at the lower part of the mountain were even easier to spot due to their gaudy color. What creeped me out was their colors were just so out of place, just like monsters you see out there. "When mutants run into each other, they fight to death. Even worse, these mutants taste bad. Some of them are even poisonous." Lumis was worried that these aggressive mutants were killing the native peacocks.

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Then I got curious, and asked him to show other mutants. So he led me to where Plateau Goats and their mutants were. Just like peacocks, the native Plateau Goats were living in the higher altitude, and mutants stayed in the lower places. "You see that? These mutants have three eyes and four horns. And that their horns are just useless, look at their shapes." Plateau Goats were famous for beautiful straight horns. But these mutants were hard to hunt, their horns were misshaped, and fur and leather were too stiff and bristly. Lumis said these mutants came dozens years ago. I asked him why people didn't do anything about it, he answered. "At the beginning, there weren't that many. We just thought they were going to go away."

He said the number of mutants multiplied recently. Lumis thought the Crimson Manor was the reason behind all this, and the thing that caused mutation in the manor must have somehow affected wild animals. But the manor was too dangerous to investigate, and the Resistance couldn't do anything but to watch them from outside. "I am worried that the our native Plateau Peacocks and Plateau Goats might go extinct. If they are gone, we would have nothing to hunt." Lumis said maybe spreading this news might attract the attention of experts who might be able to work out this problem. I don't know if his idea would actually work, but anyone who's interested in this issue, please come to the Snowburn and help them to investigate further on the mutated goats and peacocks.