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Throne and Liberty Breezeline Manager Hilda's Letter

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To my lovely nephew, Izana, So it seems you found riding the village's Breezeline to be quite memorable. I remember when you visited, you took it a couple of times. You asked in your last letter how it was created and I am happy to share that story with you. Currently, Herba Village is the central part of Talandre. But long ago, it was a completely different story. As you know, this is a high-altitude region, and it was surrounded by rivers and cliffs. In other words, we were completely isolated from everything around us. Yes, that's right; until the Breezeline was created we were virtually all alone up here. The Breezeline was devised not too long ago. Maybe around ten years? No, perhaps a bit longer than that. Anyway, back then, Captain DaVinci, the head of the Resistance, came to our village. He said he needed a means of transportation that would take him to various regions of Talandre and requested the villagers' cooperation in achieving that goal. The Allied Resistance Forces, of course, said that they would pay for the construction and the operation cost of whatever was devised.

Creating a brand new means of transportation in such a rough and high terrain? Everyone thought it was impossible. If such a thing were possible, surely the village's masters would've built one already. But DaVinci just seemed so certain. He looked us in the eyes and shared his ideas on how we could use the strong winds that blow through Talandre. I cannot forget the look on the masters' faces when they heard that idea. It was like they had just emerged from their caves and discovered fire for the first time. DaVinci's idea was the spark the masters needed to solve our village's isolation issues once and for all! Soon after, the masters brought forth their plan for what they called the Breezeline. All the villagers joined in building the contraption. Only a few years later, several Breezeline Stations had been built all across Talandre. Before, it was difficult to travel in and out of the village, but thanks to the Breezeline, we can go anywhere.

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For the Breezeline's opening ceremony, we knew the guest of honor had to be Captain DaVinci. I mean, it's obvious, right? His idea was what made this miracle happen. So we sent him an invitation. However, the head of the Resistance is a very busy job. He couldn't participate, but he did send us a letter. Snarlon, on behalf of all the masters, read the letter in the opening ceremony. In it, Captain DaVinci expressed his gratitude to the Herba villagers for building the Breezeline. He also noted that it'll be a huge help to his army. Talandre was a key location when it came to defeating Arkeum, and now that Talandre was more accessible, it would help their cause tremendously.

Can you imagine? How do you think the Herba villagers felt in that moment? They were all so proud. Ever since that day, we have all carried that pride in our hearts. It spurs us on to continue doing whatever we could to improve and build up Herba Village. Izana, this is all I know of the Breezeline's history. I hope this satisfies your curiosity. If you have any questions about operating it as a Breezeline Manager, feel free to ask. I can tell your more about its operation in detail if you need. I hope you stay healthy and visit Talandre again. Next time you come, I will give you a miniature Breezeline as a gift. With love, Aunt Hilda.