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Throne and Liberty Talandre Checkpoint Night Duty Rules

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Attention new guards! Below are the necessary survival rules and tips for those assigned to night duty at the Talandre Checkpoint. 1. There will be six guards on night duty at the Talandre Checkpoint. If there are more than seven guards before the duty, do not be rattled. If one of them is wearing rusty, old, non-regulation armor, do not meet eyes with him. Pretend he's not there. He will disappear at sunrise. 2. Do not eat while on night duty. Food prevents you from acting swiftly in an emergency; more importantly, it may attract the attention of famished guests. If these unwelcome guests appear, the Talandre Checkpoint will have to be shut down. This rule applies to those working inside the building as well. 3. When a man carrying a coffin on a wagon tries to pass the checkpoint, he will shout to ask for your permission to pass. Do not answer him. At all. He will keep asking until you answer, but if you don't relent he will go back where he came from. Remember this. Most people want to pass through the checkpoint as quietly as possible.

4. If you see a woman trying to jump off the bridge that connects to Laslan, look for her feet. If her feet are missing, just ignore her. The footless woman will jump and take her would-be-rescuer with her. 5. This rule has been added due to the effect of Deluzhnoa's frenzy. If you see something levitating, do not do anything. Just watch it until it falls. If it goes beyond levitating and begins moving, you must inform the Guard Captain immediately and flee the area. These rules have been compiled from the experiences and sacrifices of the guards who have come before you. I pray that such unfortunate events won't happen again, but we may need to add more rules in the future. Rookie guards, heed my words. These rules aren't for safety, but for survival. If you want to live, memorize them!