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Throne and Liberty The Youngest Son of Workshop

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Hello, I am Crandor. I saw your advertisement looking for a writer for Snarlon's biography to celebrate fifth anniversary of Snarlon's demise. As an ardent admirer of Snarlon, I would love to participate. I've been a professional writer for fifteen years, and published ten books. My representative works are "How Well Do You Know Stonegard?" and "Love in the Vineyards." The followings are what I would like to include in Snarlon's biography. The Youngest Son of Workshop - the Biography of Snarlon Chapter 1. It All Began from a Toothpick Snarlon started helping the workshop when he turned fifteen. His grandfather founded the workshop, and his three brothers were already working in the workshop. Snarlon didn't any skills, but he was full of passion and ambitions.

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At the time, more people were moving in to Herba Village. Then an introduced species called "Llama" came, and they began to grow Llamas. Everyone in Talandre was eating Llama, and some of them began to complain that the meat was too tough and got stuck in their teeth. Snarlon was a smart businessman, and didn't miss this business opportunity. He scraped metal from his father's workshop and his neighbors, melt them to make iron toothpicks with a "Snarlon Workshop" logo on them, and distributed them to every store he found for free. Snarlon's reusable toothpicks became very popular. This gave Snarlon a chance to expand his business. He started to sell his father's kitchen knives and pots with "Snarlon Workshop" logo, to the shops that wanted his free toothpicks. Snarlon Workshop kitchenware became common among both restaurants owners and ordinary customers. Soon, the workshop was making literally everything in Talandre. "Snarlon's goods are different," and "Snarlon's goods are trustworthy." have become slogans that spread from Talandre to Stonegard.

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The Snarlon Workshop still has the first 'toothpick' that Snarlon made, and they also sell dental items for discounted price. The Snarlon Workshop Dental Hygiene Set is designed for various age groups, and it is said that using all the sets step by step gives you very healthy teeth. They also say that Talandre people have beautiful teeth because of these sets. (...) This is how I'm planning to write the biography. Please contact me if you liked the content. Thank you. Crandor, the happy writer