Abyss Currency and How to Get It in Throne & Liberty Andrew 4 months ago Crafting Farming Share on Reddit Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Welcome to our guide about Abyss Currency in Throne & Liberty (not to be confused with Abyssal Contract Tokens!) In this guide, we will explain what Abyss Currency is, what it's used for, and how you can farm it. For more guides about a variety of topics in TL, please check our Throne & Liberty Guides Database. What Is Abyss Currency Used For in Throne & Liberty? Abyss Currency is a special type of coin in Throne & Liberty. It is used as a crafting ingredient to craft Epic Equipment Selection Chests at the Senior Sundries vendor in Stonegard Castle. You can craft the following Selection Chests using Abyss Currency: Precious Epic Equipment Selection Chest: Abyss - Costs 80 Abyss Currency and 10 Abyssal Aggregate Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Tyrant - 40 Abyss Currency Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Desire - 40 Abyss Currency Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Shadow - 40 Abyss Currency Precious Epic Equipment Chest: Abyss - 40 Abyss Currency Where to Spend Abyss Currency in Throne & Liberty These selection chests allow you to choose a piece of Epic equipment that drops from the public dungeon with the same name. This is especially useful for players who farm a public dungeon for a long time, but are unlucky and don't get the equipment drops that they were hoping for. How to Get Abyss Currency in Throne & Liberty You earn 1 Abyss Currency every time you complete an Abyssal Contract. These are special Contracts usually gained by opening Allied Resistance Forces Contract Scrolls. These Scrolls are most commonly found in Precious Blessing Pouches, a potential reward granted for completing regular Resistance Contracts, and also purchasable with Ornate Coins, Contract Coins, and sometimes appearing in other locations, too, such as the Battle Pass. How to Get Abyss Currency in Throne & Liberty You can also buy an Allied Resistance Forces Contract Scroll II Laslan & Stonegard container from a regular Sundries Merchant (up to 6 times per week). This is a container that costs 40,667 Sollant and provides you with four Abyssal Contact scrolls when opened. Abyssal Contracts task you to complete a mission in one of the public dungeons in Throne & Liberty, usually to kill a certain number of a specific enemy and/or activate a special object within the dungeon. It is advisable to join a group of players before venturing into these dungeons because they are aimed at groups of 2-6 players. Joining an active Guild is a good way to find groups for this purpose, but you can also find groups using the Find a Party chat or sometimes by directly asking players who are already farming in the dungeon. Also, beware that PvP will become enabled in the dungeons at night (including Eclipses). How to Get More Abyssal Contracts in TL Abyss Currency acts as a "pity system", giving players who spent a lot of time farming Abyssal Contracts but still didn't get the rewards they wanted the chance to select a reward without RNG. We hope you liked this guide about Abyss Currency in Throne & Liberty. About the Author: Andrew Andrew is an avid long-time gamer and writer with a lot of experience in the gaming industry. Andrew also writes content for Alcasthq.com and ESO-Hub.com.