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All Free Dash Morphs in Throne & Liberty, and How to Unlock Them

All Free Dash Morphs in Throne & Liberty, and How to Unlock Them

Andrew 7 months ago

Welcome to our guide about how to unlock all free Dash Morphs in Throne & Liberty. 

Throne & Liberty has many Dash Morphs available. This is the animal your character transforms into while sprinting. An important aspect of character customisation, you can acquire many Dash Morphs besides the one you start with. However, many of them are only available by purchasing them in the store, or via another paid system like the Battle Pass. This guide will list all of the Dash Morphs that can be obtained without paying any real money, and explain how to unlock them.

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Wild Skoll

The Skoll is a type of Wolf that lives on the plains of Laslan. While Skolls are primarily known for their strength and toughness, some of the elites of this species are equally feared for their incredible speed and stamina. Unlike common wolves, which live in packs, Skolls prefer to live alone. They are also Mythic Beasts and glow green with the energy of earth. 

Wild Skoll Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty
Wild Skoll Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty

This is the starting Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty, meaning you don't need to do anything special to unlock it - it is unlocked and equipped at the start of the game. 

Shadow Skoll

Similar to the Wild Skoll, but with a more groomed appearance and a gray-white coat. 

Shadow Skoll Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty
Shadow Skoll Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty

You can unlock the Shadow Skill by completing the Adventure Quest At Henry's Grave in Chapter 2 of the Adventure Codex. 

Ghost Skoll

Similar in appearance to the Shadow Skill, but with a pattern on its coat. 

Ghost Skill Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty
Ghost Skill Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty

To unlock the Ghost Skoll, defeat the Chernobog boss in Abandoned Stonemason Town. This is a Level 44 boss. 

Iron Skoll

The Iron Skoll is equipped with shiny metallic armour, and has a fur pattern similar to the Ghost Skoll. 

Iron Skoll Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty
Iron Skoll Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty

To unlock the Iron Skoll, participate in the Life the Moonlight Spell Peace or Dominion Event in Grayclaw Forest, and rank in the top 10 of players for the event. This event occurs regularly, so keep checking the Event Calendar and ensure you arrive on time for the start of the event to maximise your chance of getting a high ranking. 

Fenrian Skoll

The Fenrian Skoll looks similar to the Iron Skoll, but glows green. 

Fenrian Skoll Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty
Fenrian Skoll Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty

To unlock this Morph, defeat Kowazan or Lycan Kowazan in Grayclaw Forest. 

Ruffle Diatrima

This ancient species is native to the foggy northeastern plains on the continent of Solisium. The greater varieties have colourful and shiny feathers. Although their wings are comparatively smaller than other birds', they can still glide short distances after jumping. The Armored Diatrima variety is covered in steel-like feathers. The top sub-type of this species, the Arkhan Diatrima, gives off a blue aura. 

Ruffle Diatrima Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty
Ruffle Diatrima Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty

The Ruffle Diatrima has yellow and black feathers. 

You can unlock the Ruffle Diatrima by completing the Investigate Chief Terror Bird Next quest in Chapter 4 of the Adventure Codex. 

Beak Diatrima

The Beak Diatrima has white, red and black feathers. 

Beak Diatrima Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty
Beak Diatrima Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty

There is a 3.3% chance to obtain it each time you complete the Tyrant's Isle Co-Op Dungeon in the Dimensional Circle. The recommended level of this dungeon is Level 50. 

Fierce Taion

A nocturnal beast native to the cold climate of Nix. At night, their powerful muscles become even stronger and more agile. Their coat colours vary between the sub-types, with the Ghost Taion, in particular, characterized by its blue colour and sharp horns. In ancient times, they also lived in Solisium before humans settled there. 

The Fierce Taion somewhat resembles a sabre-tooth tiger, with a dark brown coat and bright pink eyes. 

Fierce Taion Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty
Fierce Taion Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty

You can unlock it by completing the 20th floor of Taedal's Tower. 

Ancient Taion

This version of the Taion has a gray-white coat, with black spots, similar to a snow-leopard. 

Ancient Taion Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty
Ancient Taion Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty

You have a 3.3% chance of unlocking it each time you complete the Temple of Slaughter Co-Op Dungeon in Dimensional Circle. This is a Level 50 dungeon. 

Mystic Purpuma

Purpumas are said to be native to the black forests of Trutizan. These nocturnal creatures are transparent at night, making them perfect ambushers. Like other predators, Purpumas are feared for their agility. A typical Purpuma's entire body is black, and as it grows stronger, it gains a fierce violet aura. They live a solitary life in the deep forest and mainly hunt herbivores. 

You can unlock the Mystic Purpuma by participating in the Requiem of Light Peace or Dominion Event in Shattered Temple. Ensure you rank in the top 10 of players in the event to unlock this morph. If you miss out, check out the Event Calendar to see when your next opportunity will be. 

Mystic Purpuma Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty
Mystic Purpuma Dash Morph in Throne & Liberty

We hope you liked this guide about Dash Morphs in Throne & Liberty. 

About the Author: Andrew

Andrew is an avid long-time gamer and writer with a lot of experience in the gaming industry. Andrew also writes content for and