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Candy Corn Merchant Location - Haunted Harvest Event in Throne & Liberty

Candy Corn Merchant Location - Haunted Harvest Event in Throne & Liberty

Andrew 3 months ago

Welcome to our quick guide about the wandering Haunted Harvest Peddler in Throne & Liberty. 

In this guide, we will explain what the Haunted Harvest Peddler merchant is, and where you can find them. 

To learn more about the Haunted Harvest event in Throne & Liberty, check our Haunted Harvest Guide

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What is the Haunted Harvest Peddler in Throne & Liberty?

The Haunted Harvest Peddler is a wandering merchant who will be active for the duration of the Haunted Harvest Halloween event in Throne & Liberty. 

He sells several items that allow to participate in activities during Haunted Harvest:

  • Dimension Pumpkins - These can be exchanged for other rewards at the main Haunted Harvest Event Merchants in Kastleton, Vienta Village and Stonegard Castle. You can buy two per day for 10,000 Sollant each. They are also earned for completing the Haunted Labyrinth dungeon. 
  • Chocolate - An ingredient used in the new Haunted Harvest recipes. You can buy two per day for 30,000 Sollant each. 
  • Candy Corn - Allows you to open the reward chest at the end of the Haunted Labyrinth dungeon. You can buy one per day for 30,000 Sollant. They are also earned via daily login rewards. 
Haunted Harvest Peddler in Throne & Liberty
Haunted Harvest Peddler in Throne & Liberty

Where to Find the Haunted Harvest Peddler in Throne & Liberty

The Haunted Harvest Peddler (Candy Corn Merchant) in Throne & Liberty can be found wandering around Vienta Village. He starts his rounds at Vienta Port, but if he's not there, then look around Vienta Village, and you will find him. When you're close to him, a gift icon will appear on the minimap.

He only spawns during the night!

How to Find the Candy Corn Merchant in Throne & Liberty
How to Find the Candy Corn Merchant in Throne & Liberty

We hope you liked this guide about the Haunted Harvest Peddler in Throne & Liberty. 

About the Author: Andrew

Andrew is an avid long-time gamer and writer with a lot of experience in the gaming industry. Andrew also writes content for and