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Contract and Contract Coin Guide for Throne & Liberty

Contract and Contract Coin Guide for Throne & Liberty

Andrew 7 months ago

Welcome to our Contracts Guide for Throne & Liberty. 

In this guide, we will explain Contracts, how to complete them, and why they're worth completing. 

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What Are Contracts in Throne & Liberty?

Contracts are Throne & Liberty's version of repeatable quests, a concept you may be familiar with if you have played other MMOs. 

The game randomly generates contracts which give you a fairly simple objective to complete in return for a reward. 

Every time you accept a Contract, you spend a Contract Right. You earn 10 Contract Rights per day, up to a maximum of 60 stored Contract Rights. 

You can have up to 5 Contracts active at a time. To accept another Contract beyond this point, you must either finish an already active Contract or Abandon one. 

When viewing Contracts, you can use the Refresh button to generate a new batch of Contract objectives, which is useful if you don't like any of the remaining options. After Refreshing, you must accept at least one more Contract before you can Refresh again. 

Now that you know the basics of Contracts in Throne & Liberty, we'll explain how they work in more detail. 

Contract List in Throne & Liberty
Contract List in Throne & Liberty

How to Start Contracts in Throne & Liberty

Contract vendors are located in most settlements on the Throne & Liberty map. They offer Contracts related to the surrounding areas. Since each area in Throne & Liberty has enemies of different levels, it makes sense to get your Contracts from an area of a similar level to your character. 

We recommend paying attention to the objectives of Contracts before accepting them. Don't just choose the first five options, as this may cause them to be much more time-consuming than they need to be. 

Try to get Contracts that have quick and easy objectives (singular objectives such as sending Parrot Mail are great options). Remember to use the Refresh button if there are no quick and easy objectives available.

If, after Refreshing, you still cannot find any quick objectives and you have to pick the more time-consuming contracts that require you to defeat a number of a specific enemy, then try to choose several that require you to defeat similar enemies in the same area (for example, defeating different types of wolves in Blackhowl Plains). 

Approaching your Contracts in this manner allows you to finish them more quickly. You can do 10 Contracts per day (plus any saved-up Contract Rights from previous days), so choosing carefully means avoiding spending too long on your Contracts and more time on other activities. 

Contract Rewards

When completed, Contracts reward you with some gold, XP and Contract Coins. You also get some crafting materials. 

The Contract Coins can be spent at a Contract Coin Merchant. Not all settlements have one. You can find one in Kastleton. 

Contract Coin Merchants sell a range of crafting materials. If you save up 3,000 Contract Coins, you can also purchase some Epic (purple) Weapons. 

Contract Coin Merchant in Throne & Liberty
Contract Coin Merchant in Throne & Liberty

We hope you liked this guide about Contracts and Contract Coins in Throne & Liberty. 

About the Author: Andrew

Andrew is an avid long-time gamer and writer with a lot of experience in the gaming industry. Andrew also writes content for and