Cursed Wasteland Dungeon Guide - Throne & Liberty Andrew 5 months ago Dungeons PvE Share on Reddit Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Welcome to our Cursed Wasteland dungeon guide for Throne & Liberty. In this guide, we will explain how to complete the Cursed Wasteland dungeon, including all mobs and bosses, and the best strategy for surviving the mechanics that appear in the dungeon. Cursed Wasteland is a Level 50 dungeon. It is not recommended for beginners, but players who have a decent amount of co-op dungeon experience should find it to be an entertaining challenge. For more guides about a variety of topics in TL, please check our Throne & Liberty Guides Database. Cursed Wasteland Dungeon Guide Below is a step-by-step walkthrough of the Cursed Wasteland, explaining the most notable features and challenges at each step of the way. First Rooms If this is your first time in the Cursed Wasteland, turn around from the position where you spawned in, and you will see a collectable book that you should pick up – this is for the Cursed Wasteland’s Exploration Codex quest. Completing the quest will give you some extra rewards, so it’s worth doing. The first area of the Cursed Wasteland introduces you to an important feature of the dungeon that you’ll need to be constantly wary of. You will see a large glowing crack in the ground. Anyone who touches one of these cracks takes heavy damage and is stunned. Progress through the area with your group, avoiding the cracks, and you will begin running into Avolos monsters. When fighting the monsters, look out for the elemental versions, such as the Hydromancers and Aeromancers. These are much more dangerous than their normal counterparts due to their spells, and your damage dealers should prioritise them to avoid unnecessary problems. Prioritise the Elemental Avolos mobs You will encounter a bonfire, make sure to rest here before proceeding. After the bonfire, there is another group of monsters, followed by the entrance to the next room, guarded by two enemies. We recommend taking these out separately unless your group is very skilled – focus damage on one monster while crowd-controlling the other if necessary. After defeating these two guards, you can enter the next room, where you will find the first boss. First Boss – Blath When you enter the room, you will see a purple orb in the middle. Activating this orb will summon Blath, the first boss of the Cursed Wasteland in Throne & Liberty. The tank should be ready to taunt Blath immediately, otherwise he will quickly begin targeting random players with heavy-hitting attacks. Blath only has one notable mechanic: Blath will pull players into proximity with him – you cannot avoid this effect. After a moment, you will be surrounded by a web of the glowing cracks mentioned earlier, and a creeping AOE will begin expanding from the middle. You must find your way out of the maze before this AOE reaches you; otherwise, you will die immediately. Don’t be too eager to move when this mechanic starts; wait until the cracks appear before moving. Otherwise, one will likely spawn underneath you. The fight is just a rinse-and-repeat from this point. As long as everyone knows how to deal with the aforementioned mechanic and your tank (with help from the healer) can survive the boss’ standard attacks, you shouldn’t have too many issues here. Blath boss in Throne & Liberty Inner Rooms After defeating Blath, you can proceed further into the Cursed Wasteland. There is another bonfire that you can use to heal. Nearby you will see two cracks arranged in V-shape. In between the cracks, you can find another book for the Exploration Codex. If you don’t already have it, carefully navigate the cracks to pick up the book. Once you’re done, proceed through the dungeon and you will encounter another two elemental monsters guarding the entrance to the next boss room. Deal with them one by one like before, then proceed to the next boss fight. Second Boss – Belrog Belrog is the second boss of the Cursed Wasteland in Throne & Liberty. He works in a fairly similar way to Blath. Belrog also has only one major mechanic, and just like Blath he will pull you to the middle of the room at the beginning of the mechanic. Things are a bit different after the initial pull, though. You will be completely surrounded by cracks in the ground, arranged in a layered square formation. Your team needs to all move in the same direction here, interacting with the cracks to disable them (press F when looking at the orb floating above the crack). Coordination is essential here; if you get out quickly, you won’t be harmed, but delays can be fatal. Activate the orbs to disable the cracks Once you’ve cracked this mechanic, the rest of the boss fight is another rinse-and-repeat process. After defeating Belrog, you can move on to the next area to find another bonfire. The last book can be found on top of a ruined pillar near the bonfire. Once you’re done here, you can move on to the final part of the dungeon. Cursed Wasteland Final Boss – Shaikal While the previous two bosses were fairly simple, with only one notable mechanic, Shaikal is much more complicated and requires a coordinated team with good situational awareness. You will immediately notice that the room is split into thirds by more glowing cracks. This is important for the boss fight, so keep it in mind. On this subject, Shaikal has a large conal cleave attack that will be directed at the tank. For this reason, it is generally a good idea for the tank to have one-third of the room to themselves, while the rest of the team stands in another section, leaving one section with no players in it. Shaikal positioning suggestion Shaikal has the following mechanics: Fury AOE – Shaikal targets players with an AOE Fury Attack. This can be blocked – watch out for the purple indicator! Ground AOEs – Players sometimes have to deal with small damage AOEs spawning underneath them. Keep watching your feet and move when needed. Frontal Cone – As mentioned above, Shaikal will target the player with aggro (which should always be the tank) with a conal AOE. This shouldn’t be much of a problem for the rest of the group as long as the tank is in his/her section, as advised above. Red Orb – A random player will have a red orb placed on them. The victim of this mechanic needs to move out of their group, as close to the arena's edge as possible, without touching any cracks. After a few seconds, the orb will create a large red AOE on the ground. Once this happens, you can move back into your group. You must place this AOE at the edge of the room, otherwise you will damage all of your teammates and possibly prevent melee players from damaging the boss properly. Purple Orb – Shaikal will place a purple orb on a random player. This player should move as close to the tank section as possible. Meanwhile, another player needs to go to the crack opposite the one with the purple orb and deactivate the crack. The team then needs to evacuate this section and move to the unoccupied one – the player with the purple orb will be followed by a very large purple cone – they need a lot of space to run into, but if they start next to the tank section and then run back towards their team who have now moved to the previously empty section, there should be enough space to move into. Anyone who gets hit by the purple cone will be killed. Beware that the purple cone might travel some way into the section that you move into, so it’s recommended for the group to retreat to the far end of the section. Alternative Strategy – Instead of the entire team moving, the player with the purple orb can run to the empty section and disable the crack, while the tank disables the crack on their side of the empty section, and a few seconds later, another player disables the final crack. This way, the player with the orb has to run an entire loop of the arena to rejoin their team, but the rest of the team can stay in their position and does not need to move. If you do it this way, the tank must remember to run away after disabling the crack, otherwise they will get hit by the purple cone. The boss cannot attack anyone else during the purple orb phase, so the tank can safely run around without blocking. Low Health Frenzy – At low health (below 25%) Shaikal becomes enraged. Two players instead of one will now get the red orb, but you can still deal with it in the same way as before. Additionally, as a last attempt to wipe your team, Shaikal will perform the purple orb mechanic twice in a row. This might catch players off guard if it’s their first time, so warn any newcomers that this will happen. Shaikal purple cone mechanic This is quite a lot of dangerous mechanics to navigate, positioning and situational awareness are very important. If you managed to defeat Shaikal then congratulations, you have now completed one of the more challenging dungeons in Throne & Liberty! We hope you liked this guide about the Cursed Wasteland in Throne and Liberty. About the Author: Andrew Andrew is an avid long-time gamer and writer with a lot of experience in the gaming industry. Andrew also writes content for and