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Tyrant's Isle Dungeon Guide - Throne & Liberty

Tyrant's Isle Dungeon Guide - Throne & Liberty

Andrew 5 months ago

Welcome to our Tyrant's Isle dungeon guide for Throne & Liberty. 

In this guide, we'll help you to complete the Tyrant's Isle dungeon. We'll explain all major mechanics in the dungeon, and how to defeat all bosses and the most dangerous mobs. 

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Tyrant’s Isle Dungeon Guide for Throne & Liberty

We will now walk you through the Tyrant’s Isle dungeon step by step.

First Area

At the beginning of Tyrant’s Isle, you are in a fairly open green area, with mobs scattered around. Your aim is to progress through this area and find the first boss.

Head through the area, roughly in a straight line, and fend off any mobs you encounter. The mobs at this stage of the dungeon are not very challenging and don’t have any special mechanics, so you shouldn’t have any real problems here.

Once you find an enemy called the Reptilian Butcher, you have found the first boss of Tyrant’s Isle.

First Boss – Reptilian Butcher

The Reptilian Butcher is a fairly simple boss fight for the most part. He only has one mechanic that you need to worry about.

Periodically, the Reptilian Butcher turns invisible and lashes out at party members. You may have noticed the Coral Flowers in the area. Activating a Coral Flower that the boss is standing next to will stun him and force him to become visible again. Therefore, during the invisibility phase, your party’s primary concern should be activating these flowers and finding the boss quickly before any problems arise.

Other than that, this is a simple boss fight and you can just deal damage as normal, repeating the mechanic as many times as needed in the process.

Reptiallian Butcher boss in Tyrant's Isle
Reptiallian Butcher boss in Tyrant's Isle

The boss will drop a key that allows you to proceed to the next area of Tyrant’s Isle.

Second Area

Head through the gate after the first boss, and you will find yourself in a watery cave.

Proceed through the area, freeing captured sailors and defeating mobs as you go. You will eventually come to the second boss, standing by a large gate.

Second Boss – Shaman Executioner

The Shaman Executioner is a bit tougher than the first boss of Tyrant’s Isle. He has a couple of different mechanics you need to watch out for:

  • Extra Mobs – The Shaman Executioner regularly summons extra mobs to help him in the battle. It is recommended that you focus on taking out these mobs so you don’t get overwhelmed, unless your group is very skilled and you’re confident you can get away with just burning the boss.
  • Blinding Bola – The boss throws a bola at a random player, immobilising them. He then charges a Fury Attack, leaping at the stunned player to deal devastating damage. The player can survive this with a well-timed block.
  • Burning Water – The Shaman Executioner summons a wave of boiling water that spans the width of the chamber and will rush towards your team. You cannot sidestep this, but you can avoid the damage with a well-timed jump.

Once you have mastered these mechanics, the Shaman Executioner is an easy boss to deal with. Rinse and repeat until the fight is over.

Shaman Executioner burning water mechanic
Shaman Executioner burning water mechanic

Third Area

After proceeding through the gate, you find yourself in another cave area similar to the previous one. There are mobs in here that you can fight if you want, but it’s also possible to skip them by hugging the left wall.

When you find an enemy called the Reptilian Gladiator standing between four burning torches, you have found the next boss of Tyrant’s Isle.

Third Boss – Reptilian Gladiator

This is another easy boss. He only has basic attacks and one very simple mechanic to deal with.

During the fight, a player in the party will glow red. This player is about to be charged by the boss – anyone hit by the charge will take heavy damage. The red player should hide behind one of the torches (and other players should get out of the way, too). Luckily, this boss isn’t very smart, and will crash into the torch when trying to chase the player, stunning himself in the process.

Repeat this mechanic as many times as needed until the boss dies.

Reptillian Gladiator Boss
Reptillian Gladiator Boss

Reaching the Final Boss

After defeating the Reptilian Gladiator, a geyser begins blasting water into the air nearby. Standing on the geyser will lift you high into the air – combine this effect with your creature morph to glide over the large wooden structure blocking your path.

You will find another geyser shortly after – repeat the same process again to reach the final boss of Tyrant’s Isle.

Final Boss – Toublek

Toublek is the final boss of the Tyrant’s Isle dungeon. He is a more imposing enemy than the previous three bosses and has more mechanics you’ll need to deal with. Quick reaction times are helpful here, but by and large, this is a mechanical boss fight. Once you know all the mechanics, you can do it easily.

Toublek has the following attacks and mechanics to watch out for:

  • Fury Attack – Toublek unleashes a Fury Attack, dealing heavy damage. Watch out for the purple indicator and perform a perfect block to deal with this threat.
  • Fireballs – Toublek sends fireballs to chase several players. You need to run away as quickly as possible when this happens. These fireballs do a lot of damage, so you don’t want to hang around when this happens.
  • AOE wave – The first of two wipe mechanics that Toublek has. You may have noticed that there are several geysers around the arena. Toublek will shout something out and begin charging a powerful AOE attack that will one-shot everyone who comes into contact with it. When this happens, three geysers will also activate. Everyone needs to head to an active geyser and use it to lift themselves high into the air. You need to still be in the air when the AOE wave happens – use your creature morph to glide if you think you’ll land too soon.
  • Rat Trouble – Toublek transforms everyone into a rat. All your normal skills will disappear, and you’ll only have one new skill on your skill bar – pressing 1 allows you to dig into the ground for a moment. To return to your normal form, you must make it to one of the flowers. The boss will sometimes unleash AOE waves similar to the last mechanic – this time, you need to avoid them by digging into the ground. If you are too slow to reach a flower, Toublek will catch you and eat you, killing you instantly.
Toublek boss in Throne & Liberty
Toublek boss in Throne & Liberty
Look for these blue flowers to transform back to human form
Look for these blue flowers to transform back to human form

Once you have mastered these mechanics, Toublek becomes a simple boss to deal with.

We hope you liked this dungeon guide about Tyrant's Isle in Throne & Liberty.

About the Author: Andrew

Andrew is an avid long-time gamer and writer with a lot of experience in the gaming industry. Andrew also writes content for and