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What Is the Dimensional Circle in Throne & Liberty? Co-Op Dungeon Guide

What Is the Dimensional Circle in Throne & Liberty? Co-Op Dungeon Guide

Andrew 6 months ago

In this guide about the Dimensional Circle in Throne & Liberty, we will explain what the Dimensional Circle is, and how to access the various Co-Op Dungeons in the game. 

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What Is the Dimensional Circle in Throne & Liberty?

While the name makes it sound like an in-game location, the Dimensional Circle is actually a menu that can be used to easily view and access any of Throne & Liberty's Co-Op Dungeons. 

While the first dungeon, Specter's Abyss, is aimed at Level 20 players, the dungeons keep getting harder and of higher level as you progress through them. The hardest co-op dungeons are more suitable for late-game players who are well-geared and experienced. 

How to Access Dimensional Circle Dungeons

To view the Dimensional Circle Co-Op Dungeons in Throne & Liberty, first open the main menu (F10 on PC). Then, under Content, choose the Co-Op Dungeons button. This will open the Dimensional Circle menu. 

How to Access Dimensional Circle in Throne & Liberty
How to Access Dimensional Circle in Throne & Liberty

You will see that the menu is split into two different tabs - Dimensional Circle, and Challenge Dimensional Circle. The Challenge Dimensional Circle consists of harder versions of the Dimensional Circle dungeons, so it's best not to worry about them until you've reached max level, finished all of the regular Dimensional Circle dungeons and done a lot of Skill and Equipment Upgrades. 

Choose the dungeon you want to play, and use the Party Matchmaking or Party Board button to find a group for the dungeon. Party Matchmaking will automatically find a group for you, while Party Board allows you to view groups that are manually recruiting and apply to join. 

Dimensional Circle in Throne & Liberty
Dimensional Circle in Throne & Liberty

Dimensional Circle Rewards

You can get a lot of different rewards from completing Co-Op Dungeons in the Dimensional Circle. When you finish the dungeon, you get a chest that contains a random reward from the list shown in the dungeon's Dimensional Circle page. 

Opening your chest requires some Dimensional Contract Token Points. You get 900 per day and can store up to 4,500 of them. Try to keep using them up every day if you are a regular player, so you don't waste points. 

When you open your reward, the game will give you a random reward from the list. You can click the % button on the dungeon's Dimensional Circle page to view the precise percentage chance for all rewards on the list. 

Co-Op Dungeon Rewards in Throne & Liberty
Co-Op Dungeon Rewards in Throne & Liberty

You'll also earn Sollant (gold) from defeating enemies in the dungeon. 

About the Author: Andrew

Andrew is an avid long-time gamer and writer with a lot of experience in the gaming industry. Andrew also writes content for and