Throne and Liberty Logo

Throne and Liberty Crowned Skull of Victory
Head Armor

Epic 2
Lv. 0
Melee Defense
Ranged Defense
Heavy Attack Chance
Hit Chance
Mana Cost Efficiency
Possible Traits:
Magic Endurance: +160
Magic Evasion: +160
Mana Cost Efficiency: +12%
Max Health: +600
Melee Endurance: +160
Melee Evasion: +160
Crowned Skull of Victory

Item Stats

Level Melee Defense Ranged Defense Magic Defense Dexterity Heavy Attack Chance Hit Chance Mana Cost Efficiency
1 219 196 - 3 35 55 2.5%
2 228 204 - 3 40 60 3%
3 238 213 - 3 45 65 3.5%
4 247 221 - 4 50 70 4%
5 257 230 - 4 55 75 4.5%
6 266 238 - 4 60 80 5%
7 276 247 - 4 65 85 5.5%
8 285 255 - 5 70 90 6%
9 295 264 - 5 75 95 6.5%
10 304 272 - 5 80 100 7%
11 314 281 - 5 85 105 7.5%
12 323 289 - 6 90 110 8%

Possible Traits

  • Magic Endurance
  • Magic Evasion
  • Mana Cost Efficiency
  • Max Health
  • Melee Endurance
  • Melee Evasion