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I'm Jongok Ahn, producer of THRONE AND LIBERTY.
I wrote to you last week, but I'm writing to you again because I don't think it's fair to keep quiet about the recent trends in the game and the opinions of our users.
Firstly, I would like to address the difficulty of the new co-op dungeon that was updated on 13 March.
In our last letter, we said that the current difficulty was what we planned for and that the numbers were rising within our expectations. Since then, we've seen signs of a slowdown in the number of clears being accumulated, and we've seen data that suggests that the increased difficulty of the dungeons is contributing to fatigue across the game.
Most importantly, we realised that we hadn't fully appreciated the frustration our mid-to-high-end players were feeling from not being able to enjoy the new content they'd been waiting for.
We decided to appropriately nerf the difficulty of the new dungeons.
The concept of the new dungeons was to push party play to the extreme, requiring party members to play their roles to perfection, but the side effect of this was that one mistake could cause the difficulty of the encounter to skyrocket.
We decided to address this in two ways. Nerfing elements where individual party member mistakes were leading to failed encounters, and pacing patterns that were leading to mistakes with tighter timing. Here are the problematic sections of the current new dungeon that we've identified as problematic.

- Dread Isle
> Fixed a boss pattern where the aggro ping-pong section after transforming into a rat would instantly use a full annihilator on one death.
> Fixed a boss that had a difficult deal cut that could be difficult to defeat unless all party members were alive
> Fixed the short time before the geyser erupts

- Void Wastes
> Fixed a setting where the boss's "Dark Touch" stack is no longer reduced while not being hit by a beam
> Fixed the timing of "Dark Breath" when stepping on a crack in the floor.

The difficulty tweaks involve a lot of mathematical calculations and technical issues, so we're not rolling them out right away. You'll be seeing new dungeons with the changed difficulty in the 11 April update.

We're also making changes to the current dungeon events, which, as we've mentioned before, have become a bit too fatiguing.
Firstly, we're increasing the cost of the 'Sign of the Covenant: Dimension' that is deducted when you open a chest after clearing a new dungeon from 300 to 450, as we feel that this is a limited-time offer that encourages players to try too hard before they've had a chance to fully grind and spec up.
We're also extending the release cycle for the two new dungeons that were scheduled for 3 April and 11 April to a two-week window of 11 April and 24 April respectively. We feel that a new dungeon every week without enough clearing time and gear drops is becoming overwhelming.
With the exception of these two changes, all Dungeon Boost events will remain the same. We know you're disappointed with some of these, but we're taking these steps to help alleviate some of the game fatigue that the new Co-operative Dungeon update has brought. We'll find a way to bring back the goodies we missed in some form or another.
On a slightly different note, we're also aware of the fatigue you've experienced with party matching, and we'll be rolling out unified server party matching on 11 April to improve your experience. We're looking forward to making co-operative dungeons more enjoyable and convenient in many ways.
Next up, we'll be talking about changes to equipment drops.
One of the other big things about new dungeons is that they're the only place to get new gear, so we know that not being able to clear them right now has been very stressful for many of you. We're aware that dungeons have become so important to growth that they've diminished the importance of other content, and that's something we need to address.
To improve this situation, we're introducing alternative gear that can be obtained through Field Bosses, Guild Raids, and Field Drops. We hope that everyone will be motivated to grow and expand their options outside of the current dungeons.
We're not at the point where we can reveal any gear concepts or specific timelines just yet, but we'll provide more details when we can, which we promise won't be too long from now.
We know that many of you felt more than a little frustrated with this update, and we're left wondering what could have been if we had approached it more carefully. We'll be taking a hard look at how we're going to expand Co-op Dungeons in light of this experience. We'll do our best to make sure that everyone on TL feels comfortable with the challenge and adventure.
We'll always listen to your feedback, and we'll do what we need to do without delay. Thank you for your love and support of TL.