Throne and Liberty Logo

We'd like to thank you for your continued support of THRONE AND LIBERTY,
and we would like to inform you about an issue we are currently experiencing in-game.

Known Issues
The following in-game issues are listed below and we will do our best to fix them as soon as possible.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
[New on 6 March]
■ Gateway to Infinity
- On 13 March, only 5 rewards were awarded after completing the clear condition.

- The category icon for the Butcher's Canyon transformation, "Burning Sheep," was displaying as a camouflage transformation.
- Some extracts have different icons than their pre-extraction gear.
Mawkish Madness Armour, World Tree Vestment, World Tree Origin Gloves, World Tree Providence Pants, World Tree Ride Boots, Forbidden Eternal Chain, Forbidden Directional Chain, Forbidden Liberation Chain
- 'Select Difficulty' is now displayed in [Party Recruitment > Dungeons].
: 'Dungeon' does not have a separate difficulty level, and you cannot select a difficulty level separately.
- When the siege tax is 0, the 'X' is not displayed on the siege icon in the siege progress UI.
Changing the tax rate
- When changing the tax rate through the Managers of a province, the time available to change the tax rate is not displayed.
You can change the tax rate twice before the next siege, but if you don't change it within 30 minutes after the siege ends, you will only have one chance to change it.
will be applied only once.
Paola's Dimension.
- Immunity is no longer displayed when using "Resolute Charge" on Vlat and Belog, Watchers of the Wall in [Cursed Wastes].
- When recruiting a party, "Difficulty" is displayed in the dungeon.
- When applying for a party match in Paola's Dimension, the party match status of an existing party member is no longer displayed.
>This does not affect content progression, but you will need to reconnect to the game to unlock the matching status.
- You may no longer be able to share "Resistance Requests" with your party members.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
We'll do our best to get things back to normal as soon as possible.

Thank you.