Throne and Liberty Logo

hello. This is THRONE AND LIBERTY.

We'd like to thank you for your continued support of THRONE AND LIBERTY,
and we would like to inform you about an issue we are currently experiencing in-game.

Known Issues
- Whispering] When whispering with another user, it is no longer possible to change the whisper target with /whisper (space).
> You can change the whisper target by typing it in directly, or by trying it after another chat.
- The effect of Tevent's Carnage may have reset the Cloak of Stealth's cooldown, causing it to no longer provide stealth when used.
- Changing the <Enable Party Selection> and <Select Party Member> hotkeys in Preferences Gamepad > Controls > Customisation does not work.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
We'll do our best to get things back to normal as soon as possible.
Thank you.