Throne and Liberty Logo

hello. This is THRONE AND LIBERTY.

We want to thank you for your love and support of THRONE AND LIBERTY,
we'd like to inform you about an issue we're currently experiencing in-game.

Known Issues
Exploration Codex
- The Blood Magic Circle is intermittently uncontrollable during the Manor of Vercant quest codex "The Chamber of the Manor".
Interserver Guild Wars
- Some monsters may appear at level 50 in the Fire Festival during the Interserver regional event.

Regional Events
- [Co-op] The Medal of the Express Resistance was displaying as a Talent Extraction Stone in the Effort Rewards for the Light Wedding and Fire Festival.
- [Co-op] The Tier 1 reward section of Light Wedding and Fire Festival is displaying incorrectly.
- [Co-op] The Superior Stellar Boom element is not displaying in the anticipated reward for Healing Touch of the Divine Water.

- Some cooking recipes are showing up with the old name before the change.
> 'Dreadbird Stew ' → 'Bird Meat Stew' will be changed to 'Dreadbird Stew'.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you.
We'll do our best to get things back to normal as soon as possible.
Thank you.