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hello. This is THRONE AND LIBERTY.

As we mentioned in a previous TL Live, we're changing the way Capture the Flag is played with the 24 April update as part of our efforts to ensure that differences in coalition size don't hinder the fun.
You'll be able to "declare"which Control Stones you'd like to participate in beforehand, and only up to three guildsthat are matched according to the rules will be able to play in separate spaces.
Our hope is that this will create a competitive environment where the strategy and skill of the participating guilds will shine through, rather than the size of the alliance, both in and out of the system, determining who wins or loses.
In order to implement these changes, we'll be adjusting the schedule for both Origin and Dimension Stone Captures, and we'd like to give you a heads up on the adjustments and how Captures will work going forward.

Capture the Flag Schedule Adjustments

After the 24 April update, the first Capture the Stone will now take place on Saturday, 27 April at 11pmat 11:00pm, and the next will be on Thursday, 25 April at 11pmon Thursday, 25 April at 11pm.
After that, the schedule will remain the same as it is now, with Origin Stones every six days at 11pm and Dimension Stones every four days at 11pm.
Note: The Capture the Flag schedule prior to the 24 April update will remain unchanged.
Capture the Flag Content
Origin Stone
6-day cycle, 11pm
Dimensional Stone
4-day cycle, 11pm

Capture the Flag Declaration System

Declaration and Matching Times
- 36 hours before the start of the Origin/Stepstone, you can "declare"to the Origin/Stepstone you wish to join.
- Twelve hours before the start of the Origin/Stepstone, the match results will be made public.
- Accordingly, for the first Gemstone run on Thursday, 25 April at 11pm,
you'll be able to declare a Capture the Flag from 11am on Wednesday, 24 April, and see the match results after 11am on Thursday, 25 April.
Progression Time
Example 4/25 Crystal
Can be declared
36 hours ago
For 24 hours
Wednesday, 24 April at 11am
12 hours ago
In 12 hours
Thursday, 25 April, 11am
Capture the Flag begins
30 minutes
Thursday, 25 April, 11pm
How to declare a Capture the Flag
- In the Guild Window (G), select the "Capture" category and apply to fight for Origin Stones and Dimension Stones.
- Only players with the "Guild Leader" and "Chief of Staff" ranks can "declare" a Capture the Flag.
- You can select 1, 2, or 3 aspirations, and you can cancel and reapply for the duration of the declaration period.
- Declaring a War of Domination costs 1 [Guild's Banner], and cancelling the declaration will not restore the consumed resources.
* Guilds that already own a Captured Stone cannot declare it,
To capture another Origin/Dimension Stone, you must 'relinquish ownership' of the existing Captured Stone and proceed with the declaration.
Capture the Flag Matching Rules
- Matching will be applied according to the conditions below and the order of guilds' first to third aspirations.
- If multiple guilds have the same conditions, they will be matched in order of their confirmed ranking.
- If you are rejected from the match based on the ranking order, the match will be made by comparing the conditions of the next aspirant's Origin Stone/Dimensional Stone.
Guild ranking that owns the Captured Stone < Guild ranking that applied to participate
Confirmed 1:1 match
(2 guilds)
Captured Stone Owning Guild Ranking > Participating Guild Ranking
1:1:1 Matching
(Up to 3 guilds)
If no guild owns the Captured Stone
1:1:1 Matchmaking
(Up to 3 guilds)
Guild ranking is calculated as "guild activity score + guild members' activity score" regardless of guild level.
- If the match is unsuccessful, 1 [Guild Flag] used to declare will be returned.
- Once a match has been made, Origin and Dimension Stones cannot be resumed.
- If a character who is not part of a participating guild enters a Capture the Flag zone, they will be placed in spectator status.
While in spectator status, your character is invisible to other players and can move around freely, but cannot attack or interact, although you can still use your grappling hook.
Starting 24 April, we will be running a series of events to help you earn more "Activity Points".

Changes to the rules of the "Dimension Stone" Capture the Flag War

Changes to Guild Registration Rules for Skirmishes
- Become the guild with the most players in the contention zone to join the battle.
The first guild to enter a contention zone when no one else is in the zone will become the contention guild (no interaction required, just enter to start the contention).
: If there are 10 other guilds in the contention zone, your guild needs 11 people to enter the zone to join the contention.

We'll provide more details on these changes and more in the 24 April update notes.
We'll continue to listen to your feedback, both in-game and outside of the game, as we continue to evolve and refine these changes.
Thank you.