Throne and Liberty Logo

hello. This is THRONE AND LIBERTY.

We are pleased to announce that we will be releasing an unchecked patch on Wednesday, 7 August to fix some items in the game.
Patch Date
- Wednesday, 7 August 13:30
Patch Description
- Fixed the tooltip for recovery coins displaying experience recovery
- Fixed the chat message for region change information being displayed as NONE
- Crescent Light Sand Crystal interaction in [Act 7: Master of the Sandstorm > Sand to Carve Magic Schemes] is now personalised
- Fixed client crash when cancelling an Amitoi expedition
- Fixed purchasing additional dye/sewing room in Mirror Boutique not working on hyperboosted servers
- Longsword skill names and some descriptions are no longer displayed correctly when selecting the client language English

Update after closing the client to reflect the patch.
We will endeavour to provide you with better service in the future.
Thank you.