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Hello, this is THRONE AND LIBERTY.
On Wednesday, 24 July 2024, we will perform a scheduled maintenance to update "Emergency; 飛上".
In this update, we're revamping combat and other elements of growth,
We'll keep you challenged and updated with a mix of lifestyle content.
Please see below for more information, and we encourage you to check out the other links below.
Update Notes (1/3) - Skill specialisation system and gear growth mitigation

- Skill Effect Adjustments > Added 'Queen Blendy's Annihilation Palace' effect description to equipment skill items (7/24 09:44)
- Base Stat Changes > Added descriptions for Dagger 'Shadow Strike' and Equipment Skill 'Silent Stalker' (7/24 12:45)

What's new

Added 'Skill Specialisation' system.
- Added a 'Skill Specialisation' system that allows you to give skills a variety of additional abilities.
- You can distribute points freely, and there's no cost for initialisation.
[Dev Comment]
"Create a unique fighting style with your own skill build"
'Skill Specialisation'is a system introduced to expand combat diversity, rather than a one-size-fits-all skill.
There will be a total of 262 talents added to the game, allowing players to power up to five talents in a single skill,
We have prepared to create multiple combat stylesbased on [PvP / PvE / single target / multiple targets], etc. even within the same weapon.
And with unlimited changes along the way, you'll be able to study different builds, share your findings, and
We hope you find a new way to battle in TL.
Skill specialisation system
- Added a 'Skill Specialisation' system that allows you to give skills a variety of additional abilities.
- 'Skill Specialisation' can be accessed via the [Main Menu - Skills - Skill Specialisation] menu.
The effects of some Equipment Skills do not stack with Mastery effects.

- On the Skill Specialisation page, you can select which skills you want to grant additional abilities to.

- On the right detail page, you can grant additional abilities for the selected skill.

Skill specialisation points
- The 'Skill Specialisation' system opens at level 25, and you gain 25 Skill Specialisation points when you first open it.
> Gain 3 Skill Specialisation points for every level up thereafter (up to 100 points at level 50)
- You can freely distribute your skill specialisation points among your skills, with each specialisation requiring a different number of points.
> There are many different types of specialisation, from increasing the efficiency of a skill to enhancing or changing the attack mechanics of a weapon.
> Some specialised abilities will have their effects significantly changed, and will be replaced by other skills.
> If different specialisation effects exist within a skill, the distribution of the different specialisations may be limited by the upfront investment.
- The points you have distributed can be reset at any time via the Reset button, which doesn't require any cost.

- Each weapon has a different number of possible specialisations, which are listed below.
Number of specialisations
Two-handed sword

Some skill effects have been tweaked, and new skills have been added.
- Changed the starting level for all skills except Omnipotence to 'Advanced Rank 1'.
- The effects that were previously held by 'Ranked Growth Effects' will be consolidated into the 'Base Effect' of the skill, and some changes will be made to the level growth effects.
- New: Added 'New Use Skill' for each weapon.
[Dev Comment]
"To be a complete combat experience from the ground up, and to scale as it grows."
Previously, you had to progress your skills to 'Heroic Rank' to unlock all abilities.
However, we were unable to experience skills in their final form until growth was complete, and the combat experience was degraded during the growth phase.
To address this issue, we've changedall skills to provideall of their effects even in their default state.
Along the way, some skills that performed poorly, were underutilised, or were more powerful than intended were replaced or had their effects adjusted.
We've also changed the way some skills are enhanced through 'specialisation', and rebalanced the number and types of skills that grow with skill level.
- The starting level of all skills except the Omnipotence skill will change to 'Advanced Rank 1'.
> For skills you are already learning, your level is retained.
- The effects previously held by the 'Ranked Growth Effect' will be merged into the 'Base Effect' of the skill, and some changes to the level growth effect will be made.
- Improved the way Omnipotence skills are displayed in the UI of the Skills window.
Two-handed sword
Skills used:
- [Wedge Charge]
> Changed the bashing damage bonus on hit to a level growth effect.
- [Valiant Nanta]
> Attack count is fixed at 3 hits, and the attack dispersion effect is removed.
: Adjusts the damage dealt and cooldown reduction on hard hits as the number of attacks changes.
: Effects that can attack multiple nearby targets are provided by specialisation.
- New Skill: [Supercrush]
> Move to the target location and attack targets within 3 metres around you. Enemies hit have a chance to be stunned.
Active skill:
- [Stubborn Stamina].
> The Health Regeneration bonus effect is changed to a level growth effect.
- [Momentum of Vitality].
> Skill damage modifiers have been changed to level growth effects.
> The effect criteria changes from current health to maximum health.
Skills used:
- [Throw Shield].
> When you hit a target, your next skill's Slam Hit effect has been changed to a 2 second Slam Hit buff.
> Fixed the damage of [Shield Throw] to be a level growth effect.
- [Must-win opportunity].
> Changed the motion of [Chance to Win].
> The second chance to use [Chance to Win] has been removed.
> Reduced cooldowns.
> Damage increased.
- New Skill: [Resilient Strike]
> Damage up to 3 enemies in a 120-degree fan, dealing 100% of the target's attack range and recovering mana equal to the number of targets.
Skills used:
- [Ankle strike].
> Adds damage as a levelling effect.
- [Flying Bees].
> Adds a healing reduction effect as a level increase.
- [Death Stigma].
> Adds Thunderstorm status to the damage per stack bonus.
- [Black Wind Spirit]
> Changes to a buff-type skill that lasts for 6 seconds.
> Close-range critical hits deal damage proportional to base damage, plus 2 additional damage if the target is poisoned.
- [Cloak of Stealth]
> Changed to remove binds and movement slow when using skills.
> Changed to remove stealth when hit by a collision, sleep, or stun while a skill effect is in effect.
- [Smoke Screen of Illusion].
> Changed so that the area of effect does not disappear if you move after casting the skill.
- New Skill: [Moonlight Slash]
> Dash 3 metres in the specified direction, attacking all targets within a 2.5 metre radius 3 times. Triggers your secondary weapon for 4 damage.
* [Predator Claw] skill has been removed, and the existing [Predator Claw] growth level has been replaced with [Moonclaw].
- New Skill: [Vampiric Strike]
> Deal damage proportional to your base damage and heal for a fraction of the damage dealt.
Active skill:
- [Murderous Fangs] > [Mortal Fangs]
> Skill name changed to [Mortal Fang].
> Adds a Thunderstruck target to the effect.
- [Read Full] > [Live Full]
> Skill name changed to Fullness of Life.
> The increased duration effect is also added to Thunderstorm.
- [Watering Method].
> Mana regeneration is added as a levelling effect.
Skills used:
- [Bombardment]
> Additional usage conditions have changed.
> You can always use it once more, regardless of critical hits. This can be increased to 2 uses if you choose a specialisation.
> Attacks leave a 'Target' effect on enemies for 6 seconds, which can be used to enhance other Longbow skills.
- [Wind Demonstration].
> Slightly reduced cooldown time and damage.
> When you attack an enemy with a 'Target' effect, you consume the 'Target' effect, dealing 5% more damage per stack.
> Removed an effect that increased damage as you moved away from the target.
> Removed the ability to deal increased damage to stunned, sleeping, bound, or oppressed targets.
- [Conversion Snipe].
> 'Gather' skill. The skill's effectiveness increases proportionally to the amount of time spent 'gathering'.
> The minimum 'gathering' time required to fire has been reduced from the previous cast time.
> The minimum time for 'Gather' is the same as the existing skill damage, and the maximum time allows for superior damage.
> Slightly reduced the time required for the next action after firing.
> Critical damage bonus on attacks has been changed to increase more in proportion to the 'gathering' time.
> Removed the maximum one-time use effect on critical hits.
> Critical damage bonus proportional to the target's maximum health has been removed.
- [Bind Arrow].
> Changed to allow you to receive buffs associated with 'Oppression' even if you don't have 'Oppression' on you.
- [Nature's Favour].
> Mana regeneration bonus changed to a level growth effect.
- [Mark of the Maw].
> Removed the effect of reducing the caster's [Nature's Grace] cooldown on critical hits on Marked targets.
> Changed to allow MISS to occur based on the defender's evasion value.
- [Swirling arrow].
> Projectile width increased by 2x.
> Changed to deal one more hit of damage when the movement speed reduction effect ends.
> Projectiles now have a 'Enraged Attack' determination.
- [Flash].
> Changed to deal damage to non-stealthy targets in an area.
- New Skill: [Healing Touch]
> Grants a friendly target a healing over time effect that heals them for 6 seconds.
> The Healing Touch effect stacks up to 3 times.
Active skill:
- New Skill: [Protect the Earth]
> Increases your health regeneration and amplifies your skill passive recovery.
* The [Binding Loader] skill has been removed, and the existing [Binding Loader] progression level has been replaced with [Earth's Protection].
기존 [결박 장전술]의 효과는 [결박 화살]의 특화 기능으로 변경되었습니다.

Skills used:
- [Extreme Slowness].
> Critical hit cooldown reduction effect changed to a Mastery effect.
- [Recoil Fire].
> The cooldown has been removed and changed to only be available when the 'Repulsion' effect is gained by using the 'Move My Position' skill.
> The 'repulsion' effect stacks up to three times.
> Damage increased.
- [Multiple Shots].
> Removed the Manoeuvre skill cooldown reduction effect when attacking.
- [Nimble Leap].
> The Critical Damage bonus effect has been changed to a level growth effect.
- [Infiltration of Mua].
> Secondary weapon attack chance is changed to a level growth effect.
- New Skill: [Explosive Trap]
> Places an [Explosive Trap] at the specified location.
> Traps explode after a short time when enemies approach them, dealing damage and a debuff that reduces movement speed.
Active skill:
- [Wedge of penetration].
> Added increased stamina regeneration to base effects and level growth effects.
Skills used:
- [Chain Lightning]
> Cooldown and damage reduced.
> Reduced cooldown reduction when wet.
- [Frost Smoke Screen]
> The default frost effect is applied.
> Added cooldown reduction as a level growth effect.
- [Icy Lance] / [Frozen Tomb]
> The default frost effect is applied.
- [Wavelength of Heatwave].
> 32% additional damage per stack changed to a buff per stack of Incendiary.
> Added amplification as a level growth effect.
> Changed bash hit / landing stacks to be judged individually rather than by target.
- [Judgement Lightning].
> Changed the second referee's lightning bolt to be used within 3 seconds, and the first referee's lightning bolt to retain its cooldown time.
- New Skill: [Fireball]
> A fire skill that deals 10 damage. Can be acted upon after use.
Active skill:
- [Mana Spew].
> Added damage as a level growth effect.
- [Mana Boost].
> Added max health increase as a level growth effect.
- [Lord of the Frost].
> The Ice skill's 'Grant Frost Effect' has been removed.
> Fixed an issue affecting movement speed reduction in Wand Nightmare Mire.
- [Forbidden Sanctuary].
> Changed the description of Forbidden Sanctuary to "instead of reducing the total mana cost efficiency by 15%".
- [Curse Explosion]
> The shield has been deleted.
> Changed to positioning skills and area effects.
> The explosion effect of Passive Damage has been changed from being applied after the skill's damage to being split 50% simultaneously with the skill and 50% after damage.
- [Nightmare Mire].
> Removed 100% damage over time while sleeping.
- [Calamity Ray].
> Calamity Ray now connects to enemies, deals damage over time, and is now actionable after use.
- New Skill: [Absolute Barrier].
> Grants damage protection to friendly targets for 6 seconds.
Active skill:
- [Saint's Vow]
> The maximum nesting has been changed to 5 nestings.
> All recovery growth numbers have dropped.
> Trigger chance increased from 10% to 20%.
- [Integrity of Mind].
> The maximum nesting has been changed to 5 nestings.
> Mana regeneration / skill healing increased.
> Trigger condition changed to the healing and regeneration effects of the skill used.
Equipment Skills
- If you are stunned, crashed, or put to sleep while stealthing from [Grasp of Requiress]'s 'Ambush by Requiress' effect, you will be removed from stealth.
- Fixed equipment skills that deal damage to be affected by the 'Armour', 'Skill Damage Amplification', and 'Skill Damage Resistance' stats.
> Venomous Cobra Crossbow, Queen Blendy's Annihilation Bow, Double-Key's Fierce Bow, Tevent's Spike
- [Queen Blendi's Annihilation Palace] triggers up to 10 times per second.

Fixing combat errors
- Fixed an issue where moving while in [Dagger > Parry > Stealth] and using [Parry] to block a Longbow's [Flash] skill would not result in stealth.
- Fixed an issue where friendly targets/guildmates of the opposing faction would not be targeted with Tab when [Preferences > Character > Target Selection > Target Selection Method] is set to Priority Search and the 'Priority 4: Enemy Players' option is enabled.
- Fixed an issue where the plotter would not output when applying anomalies.
- Fixed some NPC skills dealing damage that ignored the player's armour and resistance.

New stats have been added, and some combat formulas have been changed.
- Base mana regen has been increased to make the skill a little easier to use.
- Added a defence stat for critical damage and changed the calculation formula.
- Consolidated race-specific stats to 5 and adjusted effects with associated stats.
Change your base stats
- Base 'Mana Regeneration' value for characters increased by 20.
- Unified 'default attack distance' for melee weapons to 2.5m.
> The range multipliers for some of the 'Dagger' and 'Longsword' skills have been adjusted to be more in line with the increased weapon attack distance.
> Dagger 'Shadow Strike' attack range multiplier changed from 600% to 480%.
> Equipment skill 'Silent Stalker' > 'Mortal Brand' attack distance multiplier changed from 600% to 480%.
Add new stats
- Added 'Critical Damage Reduction' stat.
> Reduces the increased critical damage caused by the 'Critical Damage' stat.
- Added 'Shield Armour Penetration Chance' stat.
> Reduces the target's chance to shield when attacking.
- The calculation formula for the 'Critical Damage' stat has been changed.
> Some of the 'Critical Damage' stats that were multiplicative now all work as a sum operation.
Unifying races and adding stats
- We've consolidated 10 races into five.
> Characters' race-related stats and equipment modifiers have been reworked to follow the same rules.
Races after integration
Existing Races
Animals, insects, plants, and sauropods
Thylacine, Asinidae
Immortals, Spirits
- Added the stats 'Amplify Aelyrian Damage' and 'Aelyrian Damage Resistance' to race-specific stats.
> This stat boosts your damage against that race or reduces the damage you take from that race.
- The stats attached to existing equipment traits will change accordingly.
> Existing Taiyurai Bonus Damage will be renamed to "Ain Bonus Damage".
> Existing stats for immortals, creatures, and demons are retained.
Attributes after changes
Attributes before change
Applicable equipment
Additional Wildlife Damage
Additional Animal Damage
Marksman Longbow, Woodsman Crossbow, Angry Shooter Longbow
Guardsman Greatsword, Watchman Crossbow, Woodsman Crossbow, Raging Rapid Fire Crossbow
Swordsman Dagger, Barbarian Cult Greatsword, Venomous Cobra Crossbow
Worshipper's Staff, Wizard's Scepter, Double Key's Urethra Horn
Junobot's Destructive Blade, Double Key's Fierce Bow, and Deep Desire's Touch
Shaikal's Pure Scepter, Queen Blendy's Ruling Rod
Additional Insect Damage
Archer Longbow, Fighter Greatsword, Rapid Fire Crossbow
Prophet's Staff, Butcher's Beast, Fang of the Chimaerex
Morcus' Corruption Blade, Minezeroch's Dagger, Cornelus' Rupture Blade
Additional Plant Damage
Field Artillery Prismatic Bow, Field Artillery Greatsword, Infinite Rapid Fire Bow
Infiltrator Dagger, Field Marshal Longsword, First Class Resistance Staff
King Mineboom's Mystic Scepter, World Tree's Longbow, Queen Blendy's Blade
Additional Ainu Damage
Additional Acinus Damage
Tier 1 Resistance Longbow, Tier 2 Resistance Longbow, Assault Greatsword
First Class Resistance Greatsword, Second Class Resistance Greatsword, First Class Resistance Crossbow
Typhoon Spike Bow, Express Resistance Crossbow, Cultist Barbarian Rod
Assassin's Dagger, Abyssal Witch Staff, Express Resistance Staff
Cult of Fate Barbarian Rod, Tier 1 Resistance Scimitar, Tier 1 Resistance Dagger
Resistance Longsword, Gladiator Longsword, First Class Resistance Longsword
Uncommon Resistance Longsword, Monk's Scepter, Uncommon Resistance Wand
Kowanjukki's Flesh Bowl, Requiress' Spiked Blade, Karnix's Netherblade
Tebent's wedge
Immortals deal additional damage
Soultype Bonus Damage
Sharpened Wedge Bow, Shaman's Staff, Warlock's Staff
Shaman Wand, Tier 1 Resistance Scepter, Angry Mitran Branch
Salgisson of Woe, Infernal Bow of Karnix, Tauntblade of Magnaduk
Corrupted Wraithblade, Aridus' Darkstaff, Nirma's Corrupted Blade
Tevent's Blade of Despair
Added a continuous ailment immunity system and changed interaction rules.
- If you are hit by an Ailment in a row, you will temporarily become Ailment immune.
- Changed so that interactions with objects and NPCs are no longer interrupted when being hit.
Immune system with continuous dysfunction
- Works when both the attacker and the victim are player characters.
- The Ailment Immunity gauge accumulates while the Ailment effect is in effect.
> There is a difference in the amount of immunity gauge that accumulates per condition, and it looks like the image below.

- If your immunity gauge is full, you will enter a 3-second 'immunity precursor' condition.
> A pillar of light falls over the character's head for the duration of the Immune Precursor status.
- When the immunity precursor ends, you will become 'unhealthily immune' for 5 seconds.
> When you become immune to ailments, any ailment effects that were applied are removed.
> No additional Ailment effects are applied for the duration of Ailment Immunity.
Change interaction rules
- When interacting with in-game objects and NPCs and taking damage, the interaction will no longer be interrupted.
> Interactions are interrupted when an action-limiting condition is applied, such as stunned, fallen, or silenced.
Change other effects
- Mana regeneration from Gigantite's Blessing increased from 5 to 50.
- Improved the display of numbers when you recover at the same time.

Added the Rare Purification Stone as an Ailment Removal item.
- It has the same effect as a Rare Purification Elixir and is semi-permanent, not consumable after use.
- Rare Purification Stones are obtained through crafting.

- Added a 'Rare Purification Stone' that can clear some status ailments.
> 'Rare Purification Stone' has the same effect as the existing Rare Purification Elixir, but it is not consumed after use.
> 'Rare Purification Stone' is also available in the "Arena".
* Adjusted the existing Rare Purification Elixir: Fighting Spirit to be resellable in the shop at a price similar to the purchase price.
- The recipe for a Rare Purification Stone is described below.
Rare Rubik's
'Rare Inlaid Rubik's' or 'Rare Rubik's Gemstone' can be substituted
Rare Emmeret
'Rare Inlaid Emerald' or 'Rare Emerald Gemstone' can be substituted for 'Rare Emerald Gemstone'
Rare Staron
'Rare Inlaid Staron' or 'Rare Staron Gemstone' can be substituted for 'Rare Inlaid Staron'
Rare Marind
'Rare Inlaid Marind' or 'Rare Marind Gemstone' can be substituted
Abyssal Agglomeration

- The existing drop sources for Rare Purification Elixir and Rare Purification Elixir: Fighting Spirit are temporary and will be removed at a later date.
Details of the schedule will be announced separately.

Added the 'Transmute Matter' system.
- Added the 'Transmute' system, which allows you to use various items as materials and transform them into other items.
- When using [Transmute Matter > Equipment], you can obtain 'Tiered Equipment' and 'Trait Resonator Shards' depending on the input materials.
- When using [Transmute Matter > Runes], you will receive a Rune Hammer or Rune Fragments depending on the input material.
[Dev Comment]
"New life to an otherwise worthless item!"
When you play and find yourself with unnecessary gear, it's either untradeable or
Items that others felt were unnecessary were often 'melted' or 'destroyed' without meaning.
Matter Transmutationis a system for collecting items that might otherwise be considered worthless and transforming them into new items.
In addition to material transformations, we're also working on mitigating equipment growth, such as loosening drill talent limits and shifting talent probabilities (described below), as part of our efforts to make items more valuable again.
In particular, this update will increase the drop rate of equipment, as well as the chance to drop items such as the new Runes.
Even when I get an item I don't use, I want it to be an opportunity to get something new, not just "take up space in my bag".
How to enter
- Material transformations can be entered via the [Main Menu > Items > Material Transformations] menu.

Transform tab
- On the top tab, select the destination you want to convert to.
> You can acquire 'equipment' or 'runes' as a result of transforming matter.

Selecting input materials
- Each item is worth a set number of conversion points, and can be placed in up to 20 slots.
- You must spend at least the minimum number of points to attempt the conversion.
> The amount of points converted varies depending on the type/enhancement stage/tier of the item.

Expected rewards
- You can spend points to move up the tiers, and as you move up, you can expect higher value items.
The details of the dropable items can be found in the Chance Information pop-up.

- Select a site
> [Transmute Matter > Equipment], you can spend additional solvent to select the desired part of the equipment.

Significantly reduced the difficulty of growing equipment.
- Improved talents reduce the restriction rating of material equipment.
- The items available for Talent Conversion and Talent Extraction will change, and existing items will be available for sale for Solant.
- When switching talents, the option to 'Switch Chance' is added, without the need for the same equipment, using only the Talent Switching Stone.
- When passing on gear, the 'Blessing Points' transferred will be greatly enhanced.
Trait Enhancements
- Improved talents reduce the restriction rating of material equipment.
Target equipment
Material-enabled equipment
Talent Enhancement Chance
Heroic Tier 2
Heroic Tier 2
- The number of Blessings you receive when converting Blessing Points is shown below.
Target equipment
Material equipment
Heroic Tier 2
- Increases the number of Blessings required for '1% buff chance' when used with materials that are 2 tiers lower.
Target equipment
Material equipment
Heroic Tier 2
Change attribute extraction materials
- The material required to extract the trait changes.
> 'Talent Extraction Stones' are available for purchase in limited quantities in the 'Requested Coins Shop'.
Flame of Graded Extraction
Trait Extraction Stone
* Existing Tiered Brew sparks are no longer available, but can be sold in the Shop.
- The number of 'Talent Extraction Stones' required for 'Talent Extraction' varies by rank.
Heroic Tier 2
Change attribute switching materials
- Changes the materials required to switch traits.
> Talent Switch Stones are now available in limited quantities from Guild Vendors.
Graded conversion potion
Trait Transition Stone
The old Potion of Tiered Conversion is no longer available, but can be sold in the Store.
- The number of 'Talent Switching Stones' required for 'Talent Switching' varies by rank.
> The quantity of 'Trait Conversion Stones' required for 'Fixed Trait Conversion' via the existing 'Material Equipment' and 'Trait Selection Conversion' via 'Trait Open Stones' is as follows.
Heroic Tier 2
Switching trait probabilities
- Added 'Toggle Talent Chance' to switch granted talents without material equipment.
> Talent Chance switching is now available for Heroic and higher gear.
> No material equipment is required, only the Talent Switching Stone, and the trait that is switched will manifest one of the traits that the equipment does not currently possess.

- There is a difference in the amount of 'Trait Switchstones' consumed depending on the target equipment class.
Heroic Tier 2
Equipment handover
- The number of Blessing Points transferred when passing on will be significantly higher than before, depending on the number of enhanced talents.
* We're making higher tier transfers more rewarding for gaining Blessings, giving you an advantage for changing gear.
Equipment eligible for inheritance
Material equipment
Amount of Blessing Points per Talent Enhancement
Heroic Tier 2
Heroic Tier 2
Heroic Tier 2
Innate 1 enhancements do not count towards Blessing Points.
Changes to equipment growth accommodations
- You can still transfer and talent enhancements while the target gear is 'locked'.
- Normal-tier equipment will be changed to not allow level growth.
> If you are already in possession of an advanced Normal ranked piece of equipment, you can attempt to keep it and pass it on.

This adds a 'trait resonance' that manifests when all trait enhancements are complete.
- After the final growth of a trait, there are opportunities for further growth.
- Open resonances can be switched to other resonance effects via 'characteristic resonance stones'.
Open resonance
- Equipment of Heroic rank and above can unlock 'Talent Resonance' when all talents are enhanced to their maximum levels.
> 'Trait Resonance Stone' to open the resonance effect.
The resonance effect that is opened differs depending on the type of equipment, which can be checked in "Equipment Characteristics Information".

Resonance switching
- You can change the resonance of an acquired trait to a different resonance by 'switching resonance'.
> Resonance switching can also be switched using the 'characteristic resonance stone'.
> The switched resonance is expressed as one of the resonances except the currently expressed resonance.

- If a talent switch results in a lower buff than the maximum, the resonance effect is not applied.
If you reach the maximum Attribute Enhancement Stage again, you do not need to use the Attribute Resonance Stone again to reactivate it.

Characteristic resonance stones
- Depending on the grade and site of the target equipment, the quantity of 'characteristic resonance stones' required to open and switch 'characteristic resonance' varies.
You can obtain materials for crafting 'Trait Resonance Stones' through Transmutation.
Quantity required
Heroic Tier 2
Arc Boss
Some items have been renamed, and dissolution results have been changed.
- Changed the name of the old 'Skill Training/Honing Books' to 'Used/Active Skill Growth Books'.
- We've removed items that are no longer used or changed the dissolution result to make it easier to use.
Rename an item
Item name
Dissolution results
'Skill Books' by Rank
'Use Skill Scroll' by Rank
'Skill Grindbooks' by Rank
'Active Skill Scrolls' by Rank
Add dissolution results
-' Rare Active Skill Scroll: Omnipotence'/'Rare Active Skill Scroll: Omnipotence' items can be dissolved to obtain the following items.
Item name
Dissolution results
Rare Active Skill Scrolls: Omnipotence
3 Rare Active Skill Scrolls
Rare Use Skill Scroll: Omnipotence
3 Rare Use Skill Scrolls
Change dissolution results
- The list of dropped items changes when some items are dissolved.
Equipment extracts
Spark of Grade Extraction
20 Grade Magic Dust
Ranked Skill Scrolls
5 sheets of graded parchment paper
10 lower-tier Skill Scrolls
Determining dimensions
Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 3 1-star
Improved UI/UX to make it easier to play.
- We've made changes to help you see more items in your bag at a glance.
- Improved the display of set name tooltips in character information and skill window indicators.
- Removed item category separation.
> The 'Item Filter' function at the top works the same as before.
- We've made it easier to see more items at a glance, with a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 10 items horizontally.
> Use the 'Change list size' button in the top right corner to see more items at a glance.
- Added a tablet book symbol to the icon when an item is a tablet book eligible item, and added the Equipment Tablet Book context menu.
- Increased the maximum number of bags that can be expanded to 300.
Character information
- Improved the 'Achievement Effects' UI in the primary stat information in the character information window to make it easier to recognise achievement effects.
- Added the ability to enter the character information window by clicking My Character Level in the HUD if you have 'Unallocated Stat Points'.
Set name
- Improved the Equipment/Stat Set indicator in the Character Info window to show a tooltip with the set name.
- Improved the Quickslot Set indicator in the Skills window to show a tooltip with the set name.
Other UI
- Added the [Collapse/Expand] function to the main menu.
- Improved weapon icons in the HUD target window and party member list to display tooltips with information about the equipped weapon.
- Removed the limit on the number of people you can interact with when lighting a bonfire.
Multilingual support
- Chat translation has been restored.
- Added support for 'Traditional Chinese' to the game display language.
> You can set the language displayed in [Preferences > Gameplay > Language > Display Language].

Added a new/returning player benefits system.
- We've added benefits for players who are starting fresh or returning to TL.
- This benefit does not apply to <Hyper Boosting Server> characters.
New/Return to
- New player characters are given a 'New Perk' when they start out.
> Accounts that are new to Throne & Liberty will receive new benefits for 14 days.
- Returning player characters will receive a 'return benefit'.
> If you are logging in with an account that was last on Throne & Liberty more than 15 days ago, you will receive a 14-day reinstatement offer.
New/returning benefits do not apply to <Hyper Boosting Server> characters.
Benefits details
- New/returning support buffs are available.
> 100% of Hunted Solans gained
> 100% of hunting experience gained
> +50 Hit, +50 Critical, +100 Armour
- The Specialised Shop displays items that can only be purchased for new/returning characters.
- Attendance books and Battle Passes for new and returning characters.
You can see the benefits of new/returning characters and how much time they have left using the 'New/Returning' icon next to the 'Character List' and minimap.

Temporary adjustments to character deletion wait times.
- Character deletion wait time reduced to 10 minutes.
These will be retained while the <Hyperboosting Server> is in progress and will be restored to their original settings after it is finished.
- During periods when hyperboosting servers are running, the character deletion wait time is 10 minutes.
> For characters pending deletion before the update, the existing time will be applied, so if you cancel and retry, 10 minutes will be applied.
Content and system guides have been enhanced.
- We've made our guide to what you need to know to grow more intuitive.
- Enhanced content and system guides for essential learning as you grow.

- Added a guide to the additional content that opens up after reaching level 50.

Improved gamepad usability.
- Improved gamepad menus and usability for newly added systems/content.
Ring menu reorganisation
- Added Voice Chat, Special Transformations, Emotes, Fishing Rods, and the Amiibo House menu to the Ring Menu.
> Press the L3 key (Xbox: LS key) on an Assassin's Creed controller to toggle the Ring Menu page.
- Page 1
> Clockwise from 12 o'clock, the following menus are available: Continuous Movement, Camera Settings, Party Management, Voice Chat, Return, Special Transformations, Effect Details, and Emotes.
> Special transformations can be selected by focusing with the R-stick and pressing the D-Pad left or right to select Camouflage or Playful.

- Page 2
> Clockwise from 12 o'clock, the following menus are available: Fishing Rods Out/In, Amity House, StellarVision Settings, StellarVision Auto Enable.

Customising gamepad hotkeys
- Added a hotkey entry for selecting party members.
- Added dialogue options/skip items.
- Fixed StellarVision operation mode to exit with the O key (Xbox: B key) on dual sense controllers.
HUD improvements
- A main menu red dot has been added to the bottom right of the HUD. The 'Drafts' section is also now visible on the left side of the main menu.
- Improved that adjusting the [Preferences > Gameplay > UI > Dialogue Font Size] setting will now adjust the font size of dialogue options as well.
UI operations
- Added screens that can be operated using only the D-PAD.
> Skill Specialisation, Rune Management
We will continue to add more in future updates.

Additional update notes

The Wednesday, 24 July 2024 update has even more in store.
Check out the links below to see what else we have to say.
Update Notes (1/3) - Skill specialisation system and equipment growth mitigation
We'll be back with more exciting updates in the future.
Thank you.