Throne and Liberty Logo

hello. This is THRONE AND LIBERTY.
It's been 100 days since THRONE AND LIBERTY was released.
To thank you for all the fun you've had playing THRONE AND LIBERTY, we've got a little something for you.
We're rewarding you with a surprise based on your impressive playthrough of Paola from launch until our maintenance on Wednesday, 13 March.
We'll be sending out the surprises via mail on Friday, 22 March, so stay tuned!
Event Schedule
- Play History Verification Period: From launch on Thursday, December 7, 2023 until maintenance on Wednesday, March 13, 2024
- Event rewards will be awarded: Friday, 22 March 2024 Event Rewards will be sent out gradually.
Play History Verification Period
Eligible Dungeons
After launch on Thursday, 7 December 2023
~ until 13 March 2024 (Wed) before maintenance
Reaper's Abyss
Cursed Wastes
Temple of Slaughter
Butcher's Gorge
Caverns of Doom
Tyrant's Isle
In Paola's extraordinary level 50 special dungeon, you will receive a dungeon-specific Dimensional Soulstone item based on the number of successful encounters.
* Successful encounter: Defeating the final boss, opening chests, and obtaining rewards.
Estimated number of Dimensional Soul Stones to be awarded
Dimensional Soulstones will be awarded based on the number of successful encounters in each dungeon.
The amount of Soulstones awarded per successful dungeon is as follows.
Number of successful raids
Number of Dimension Stones awarded
1 to 20
21 to 40
41 to 60
61 to 80
81 to 120
121 to 160
161 to 200
201 to
- Example: If you've successfully raided the Reaper's Abyss 110 times and the Caverns of Doom 55 times, Dimensional Soulstone: 120 Karnix and Dimensional Soulstone: Requiros 60 will be mailed to you.
What are Dimensional Soulstones?
Dimensional Soul Stones are a new item that will be released on Wednesday, March 13th.
They'll be available for successful dungeon defeats, with two available in normal-tier dungeons and four in challenging-tier dungeons.
Items that can be crafted with Dimensional Soulstones
You can collect 80 Dimensional Soulstones to craft items, and here's a list of what you can craft.
Dimensional Soulstone: Karnix
Dimensional Soulstone: Shaikal
Dimensional Soulstone: Kima Rex
Dimensional Soulstone: Magnaduk
Dimensional Soulstone: Requiros
Dimensional Soulstone: Double Key
Phantom Wolf Alter Ego Armour
Commander-in-Chief's Command Gloves
Venomous Scorpion Cloak
Phantom Wolf Mask
Reaper's Cloak of Stealth
Commander's Strike Gloves
Transcendent's Clairvoyance
Shaikal's Longbow
Kima Rex Fangs
Mother Nature's Resonance Boots
Grasp of Requiress
Double-Key's Raging Bow
Abyssal Crystal Ring
Mother Nature's Mystic Pants
Kima Rex's Horsehide
Magnaduke's Belt
Warlord's Raging Helmet
Black Lion's Charge
Death Sentence's Touch
Frost Ring of Life
Black Lion's Black Gaiters
Death Sentence Armour
High Priest's Devotion
Transcendent's Salvation Pants
Hellbringer's Gauntlets
Death Sentence Mask
Warlord's Charge Boots
Mask of the Punisher
Beast King's Hide Belt
Wraith Frost Belt
Check out the update notesfor more information on Dimensional Soulstones!
Please note
- All items offered in the event are non-tradable.
- The event schedule and some of the rewards are subject to change due to internal circumstances.
- This event is subject to the [THRONE AND LIBERTY Event Termsand Conditions].
Thank you.