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hello. This is THRONE AND LIBERTY.

We're here to bring you a variety of tips to help you grow the fastest on our hyper-boosted servers.
So that you can land in the vast new region of Tolland on Wednesday, 21 August 2024.
and take full advantage of the benefits of Hyper Boosting to grow fast!
First, focus on the Adventure Codex!
- While you can still enjoy the 'Explore' and 'Collect' Codexes for a fun adventure experience, we've adjusted the rewards for the 'Adventure Codexes' in this 'Emergency' update
to help you reach the top level faster.
- Grab the purple Adventure Codex first if you're looking for a quick boost, or the light blue Exploration Codex if you want to fully enjoy the world of Solisium.
Codexes are personal content that tell the story of the world, and are divided into Adventure, Exploration, and Collection Codexes.
Objectives require a variety of actions to progress, including hunting, manipulation, and dialogue.

The Hyper Boosting Chest is a special support item.
- After leaving Wisp Island and arriving in Castler Village, you'll receive a stash of Hyper Boosting Crates in the mail.
- You can open them every time you reach levels 1 / 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 to receive various support items.
Hyper Boosting Boxes
Starting with the Blessing of Solisium (3 days), which makes enjoying Solisium even more convenient,
Solant and equipment and skill growth materials. And "Enhanced Equipment". This is a comprehensive gift set that includes everything.
When you open the box, you'll find a variety of items for your current level, as well as a box for the next level.
In the case of "Equipment Selection Boxes" that come in multiple pieces, you can "select the parts you need" to receive them.
If you use multiple boxes at once, you may end up with the same parts.

There are three ways to improve your equipment.
- Use Gear Growth Stones to level up your gear and unlock higher stats!
- Transfer your growth experience to higher-tier gear with a lossless 'transfer'!
- Give your gear 'Talents' to make it stronger and more unique to you!
Equipment Growth
You can level up your equipment by inserting Growth Stones that match the equipment's class and area.
For each attempt, you'll receive a certain amount of Growth Experience based on a chance, and equipment that is full of Growth Experience will grow to the next level.
There is no such thing as a failed attempt, only a difference in the amount of experience gainedat a time.

■ Passing on Equipment
When you acquire equipment that is better than the equipment you are wearing through various contents and events,
you can transfer the growth experienceof the equipment you're already using without losingit.
Equipment can only be transferred between "identical"pieces of equipment (weapons / helmets / armour / belts / rings, etc...).
Rare equipment that has reached level 9 can be transferred to a higher-level equipment to increase its level to level 6.

Equipment Traits
Perks are additional effects that can be added to equipment, with a maximum of three per class.
Each piece of equipment has a total of six possible perks, and when you first acquire a piece of equipment, it comes with one perk by default.
There are additional growth elements of Talent Opening / Growth / Transformation / Resonance,
You can find more details in the[Talent Enhancement System] announcement.

Farm equipment in the "Co-operative Dungeon" and "Challenge Dungeon" in earnest!
- There are 11 dungeons that can be entered after level 50 in [Menu > Co-operative Dungeons > Dimensional Dungeons]!
- The difficulty of the "2-Star Dungeon" has been reduced, and party matching is now possible even with experienced players!
Hierarchy Dungeon
Accessible from [Menu > Co-op Dungeons > Dimensional Dungeons], this is a content where you can join a party with other adventurers and work together to defeat dungeons.
You can enter the first and second tiers of the dungeon when you reach level 50.
Among the many rewards you can earn in the Hierarchy, gear items are the most prominent.
In particular, the 2-StarTier 2 Tiered Arena gives you access to Heroic Tier 2 gear, which is the highest tier of gear in existence.
In addition to gear from Hyper Boosting Chests and Hyper Boosting Coins, you can farm even more powerful gear and complete talent progression by exploring the Netherworld.
The notoriously difficult difficultylevel has been revamped, and now requires nothing more than passion and determination to destroy.
Party matching is now available on all servers, sodon't hesitate to try it out and enjoy the fun of farming.
The buffs you receive from party matchingwill make you stronger and boost your confidence.

Each dungeon is accessible only after meeting the minimum combat strength, and you can open the reward clearance chest by spending "Proof of Contract: Dimension" points.
* <Dimension 1 Star: 300 points, <Dimension 2 Star: 450 points>, so calculate your points and visit efficiently!

<'Contract: Dimension'> <Token of the Contract: Dimension
'Sign of Contract: Dimension'
Used for: Dimension Jin
Obtained from: 900 points automatically recharged daily
These points are spent in Co-operative Dungeons and can only be used to open Dimensional Jewel Clearance Reward Chests to obtain reward items.
Dimensional Gin
120~260 point
(Level 20) Abyss of Evil Spirits, (Level 30) Temple of Roar, (Level 40) Caverns of Despair
Dimension Town 1 Star
300 point
(Lv. 50) Reaper's Abyss, Cursed Wastes, Temple of Slaughter, Butcher's Canyon, Tyrant's Isle, Caverns of Ruin
Dimension Town 2 Star
450 points
(Level 50)Dread Isle, Void Wastes, Slaughterhouse Canyon, Bloodrage Isle, Screaming Torture Chamber
What are Challenge Tiers?
Challenge Stages, which can be accessed after clearing a Co-op Dungeon, are the main source of Runes that can be placed in the sockets of your equipment.
You can continue to earn Runes after each completion, and you can equip them to sockets to activate synergies.
Challenge Tiered Towers are tiered, with each tier increasing in difficulty.

Hyper Boosting Coins, a must-have for fast progression
- Hyper Boosting Coins can be earned in Co-operative Dungeons, Regional Events, by completing Requests, and by mail.
- Collect coins and exchange them with NPCs to purchase Heroic Tier 1 and 2 weapons, Heroic Tier 1 gear, Equipment Growth Stones and Skill Scrolls, as well as Mastery and crafting materials.
Boosting Coins
These are special event coins that are only available on Hyper Boosting servers and can be earned through various content and mail.
They can be purchased from NPCs in the centre of each town's square for a variety of items sold exclusively to adventurers on Hyper Boosted servers.
You can also earn a generous amount of Boosting Coins simply by completing easy and enjoyable content such as 'Effort Rewards' and 'Resistance Requests' in local events, as well as mail, so get ready for a festive, fast-paced collection spree.
Regional Events
Regional events with unique features and rules are held periodically in each region, and the schedule of regional events can be found in the [Calendar] at the top right of the HUD.
Regional Events are content where you can earn effort rewards just for participating, even if you don't perform well.
Each effort reward contains 10 Boosting Coins, an essential commodity for Hyper Boosting servers.

There are four types of regional events: Peace, Co-op, Faction War, and Guild events, with Peace and Co-op taking place in peaceful regions and Faction War and Guild taking place in conflict regions.
Peace Events
- Players cannot battle each other and earn ranked rewards on an individual basis.
Co-op Events
- Players cannot battle each other, and participating players can work together to increase their reward tiers.
Faction War Events
- Players are randomly assigned to a Red, Blue, or Green team upon entry.
- Players from different teams can battle each other,
Earn rewards based on your team ranking and your individual ranking within your team.
Guild Events
- Players can battle against each other and earn rewards as a guild.
Ranked Rewards
Rewards awarded based on your rank based on your final score.
For guild-type regional events, unguilded characters cannot receive ranked rewards.
Effort Rewards
Rewards given to all players who participate and earn points.
Effort rewards cannot be duplicated at the same time
+ Earn 10 Boosting Coins!
Lucky Reward
Rewards given as a bonus to a small number of participating players
Co-op Rewards
Rewards corresponding to the co-op tier achieved, but only one of the following events can be earned at the same time

Resistance Requests
Resistance Tasks are quests that can be contracted through the Task Managers in each location, and upon completion, players will receive experience, Solants, Task Coins, and Activity Points, with additional Boosting Coins available on Hyper Boosting servers.
You'll receive a 10-day supply of Contractors every day at 6:00am KST, or you can use the 'Resistance Contractors' item to replenish your supply.

You can view the tasks and rewards in the Tasks list to find the one you want. Contract rewards include Enchantment Dust and Polishing Crystals, which are used to craft equipment, Parchment, which is used to craft Skill Scrolls, and Gemstones, which are used to craft Weapon Growth Stones. You can also earn Covenant Mark: Abyssal points, which are spent in Abyssal Dungeons, and Dew of Mastery, which increases your weapon proficiency.
Contract your favourite tasks to obtain various materials and craft Equipment Growth Stones!

Visit the Abyssal Dungeon with the Proof of Contract: Abyssal you've earned from fulfilling quests.
- Field Dungeons are a great place to drop high-value items like Heroic Tier 2 gear, gems, and Rune Chance packs.
- Use your AoE skills in the Field Dungeon and experience the joy of mob hunting.
- Abyssal Coins, the reward for Abyssal Dungeon quests, are a valuable material for crafting rare gear.
'Sign of the Pact: Abyss'
'Pact Token: Abyss'
Used in: Abyss of Sileus, Shadow Ossuary, Temple of Silaves, Ant Lair, Sanctum of Desire, Lizard Isle
Drops from: Rewarded for completing Resistance missions.
These points are spent in Field Dungeons and increase the amount of experience and Solants you receive when you hold them, as well as grant you access to special items dropped by monsters.
You can claim your Pact: Dimension and Pact: Abyss from the top of the minimap on the right side of the HUD.
You can see a list of dungeons and drops that cost Abyssal Points in [Menu > Map].
Note that Abyssal Dungeons turn into conflict zones at night, where PvP is possible!

On the map, you can see which dungeons cost Abyssal Points, the monsters that appear, the drop list, and the recommended number of party members for each dungeon.
When visiting Field Dungeons, be sure to purchase the Resistance Alliance Request Form II from the General Merchandise Vendor NPC in each town.
This will allow you toplay with maximum efficiency. (Weekly purchase limit)
Dungeons - Moderate Level
Fang Town General Merchant
Resistance Alliance Scroll II: Sanctuary of Desire
Sanctuary of Desire - 50
Rebel Alliance Scroll II: Lizard Island
Lizard Isle - 50
Caster Village General Store
Purification Tower 1F Vendor
Broken Starlight Observatory Vendor Watchtower Garrison Vendor
Rebel Alliance Scroll II: Dark Ossuary
Dark Ossuary - 50
Rebel Alliance Scroll II: Abyss of Sileus
Abyss of Sileus - 20 to 50
Stoneguard General Merchandiser
Rebel Alliance Scroll II: Tower of Tydal
Tower of Tydal - 15 to 50

Tower of Tydal, Gateway to Infinity, a solo dungeon that will test your limits.
- A solo stage for adventurers who are better alone than together
- The Time Attack "Gateway to Infinity" will award additional rewards beyond the clear reward based on your ranking in each weapon combination.
Tower of Tydal
A solo content consisting of multiple floors, each offering a unique challenge.
You must clear the previous floor to enter the next floor.
Gateway to Infinity
This is a solo content where players compete against each other for the fastest clear time.
There are challenges for each season, and the ranking is calculated based on the best time achieved during the period, and there are clear rewards and ranking rewards.
You can access Tower of Tydal and Gateway to Infinity from [Menu > Special Dungeons].
Rewards for completing Tower of Tydal include the Wild Transformation, Equipment Growth Stones, and the rare Elixir of Restoration.
Rewards for completing Gateway to Infinity include a rare Omnipotence Parchment to craft a rare Omnipotence Skill, a rare Marind Gemstone to craft a rare Skill Scroll, and a Dew of Mastery to increase your weapon proficiency.
As you grow, your weapon proficiencies become more powerful.
- You can spend 'Dew of Mastery' to grow your Mastery.
- As you level up, your combat power increases, and you can unlock effects with your accumulated Mastery Points.
Dew of Mastery can be obtained from: Resistance Commissions, Gateway to Infinity, and Co-operative Dungeon rewards.
Dew of Mastery only lasts for 24 hours from the time you receive it, sobe sure to click on it in your Character's Bag before it expires.
As you level up your character, you will automatically gain experience in the proficiency of your equipped weapon in proportion to the amount of experience you gain.
As you accumulate weapon proficiency points, you can select and activate the desired effects based on your fighting style.
If you use the Dew of Mastery item to increase your Mastery, you will gain the same amount of Mastery experience for two sets of equipped weapons.

You can select the desired effect to activate.
If you want to change an effect you've already activated, you can spend Solant to reset it and get your weapon proficiency points back.
Thank you.