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<Super Fast Growth - Hyper Boosting Server Guide>
What is the Hyper Boosting Server?
Hyper Boosting Servers are newly opened, limited-time serversdesigned to help Adventurers grow faster.
On the Hyper Boosting Server, you can quickly grow your character while benefiting from boosting events and passesthat are different from those on existing servers.
You can transfer your character to a server of your choice via Server Transfer, or continue to play on the server after it closes.
Please note that there are restrictions on the equipment and goods that can be transferred when transferring and consolidating your characters.
For more information on transferring, please read the "Precautions" below.
Additional character slots will not be provided, and if you run out of character slots on your account, you will need to delete your existing character.
(During the hyper-boosting server operation period, the waiting time for character deletion will be temporarily reduced and adjusted.)
Hyper Boosting Server Schedule
- Server Operation Period: From Wednesday, 24 July 2024 at 20:00 to Wednesday, 28 August 2024 until scheduled maintenance
- Server migration period: After maintenance on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 to before maintenance on Wednesday, 28 August 2024
- Server Consolidation Period: Wednesday, 28 August 2024 during scheduled maintenance
Hyperboosting server settings
- Target : Hyper Boosting servers only
- Period: From 20:00 on 24 July 2024 (Wednesday) to 21 August 2024 (Wednesday) until regular maintenance
One, 2x Solant and XP Boosting
- You will receive 2x Solant and EXP when hunting monsters .
Two, 2x Co-op Dungeon Reward Boost
- You will receive 2x the reward for opening Co-op Dungeon Reward Chests.
Opening one chest will give you an additional chest equal to the Co-op Dungeon Reward (excluding Boosting Coins).
You can only spend points for "Proof of Contract: Dimension" once.
2x boosting does not apply to rewards in the Challenge Dimension.
Third, Field Bosses will be doubled
- Field bosses will appear twice as often after the regular maintenance on Wednesday, 31 July.
The field bosses that will appear twice are limited to Level 50 field bosses.
Field Boss spawn times can be found in the in-game schedule.

Four, twice daily mail
- From 25 July (Thursday) onwards, 2 hyper-boosting mails will be sent daily at 10:00 / 20:00.
Daily at 10:00
25 Boosting Coins
Proof of Contract: 900 Dimension Points
5 Hyper Boosting Consumable Crates
200,000 Solands
Daily at 20:00
25 Boosting Coins
Sign of the Covenant: Abyss 2,000 Points
1 each Rare Blessing/Abyssal/Darkness/Tyrant/Lust Pouch
5 Fruits of Growth
* Mail will only remain for 48 hours after being sent, and mail not received by that time will be deleted.
Interserver Content
- The following content can be enjoyed with existing server players.
Party matching in co-operative dungeons (Standard and Challenge Dungeons)
Arena Matching
There may be some restrictions on the content depending on the "minimum combat power" specified for each content.
- The following contents will be conducted separately from existing server players.
Interserver Guild Wars (Dimension Stones, Origin Stones)
If there are multiple hyper-boosted servers, the hyper-boosted server group will be held together.

<Super Fast Growth - Hyper Boosting Event Information
- Target : Hyper Boosting servers only
- Period: From 20:00 on 24 July 2024 (Wed) to 21 August 2024 (Wed) until the next scheduled maintenance
- Rewards: Available via mail from Castler Town upon completion of the tutorial.
Hyper Boosting passes and chests can only be received once per character.
Hyper Boosting Pass
- This is an exclusive pass that can only be performed on Hyper Boosting servers.
- You can obtain various items such as transformation, amiibo, and growth support items.
Two, Hyper Boosting Chests
- A growth support box that can be opened every time you reach a certain level.
- It contains equipment, consumables, and other items needed for growth.

Third, "Boosting Coins" exclusively for Hyper Boosting
- You can earn Boosting Coins on Hyper Boosting servers by participating in co-operative dungeons, regional events, completing requested content, and by mail.
- You can exchange the acquired Boosting Coins for various rewards such as Hero-tier equipment, Growth Stones, and Skill Growth Books through the Exchange NPC.
Four, Achieve Hyper Boosted Combat Power!
- Depending on the level of 'Combat Power' your Hyper Boosted character has achieved, you can earn 'Talent Opening Stones' and 'Solants'.
- Additional rewards will be mailed to you on the relocated server after the server migration and consolidation.

Fordetails on how to participate and rewards for each event ,please refer to the event announcement.
Event Notes
- The event schedule and some of the rewards are subject to change due to internal circumstances.
- This event is subject to the THRONE AND LIBERTY Event Termsand Conditions.
<Hyper Boosting Server Addition Schedule
One, Siege and Tax Transport
- Siege: One-time only on 18 August 2024 (Sun)
- Tax Transport: Guilds that win the siege can set a schedule until 28 August 2024 (Wed)
Siege and Tax Transport will be held on separate schedules, independent of the regular server schedule.
Second, Free Server Transfer
- Acquire server transfer rights: You can purchase a server transfer voucher to Soland from the special shop from after the maintenance on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 to before the maintenance on Wednesday, 28 August 2024. (One time per account)
- Server Transfer Period: After the scheduled maintenance on 21 August 2024 (Wed) to before the scheduled maintenance on 28 August 2024 (Wed)
Server transfer eligible servers and server transfer details will be announced in a separate announcement.
Third, Server Consolidation
- Eligibility: Characters level 40 and above who did not move servers during the server migration period
- Schedule: Wednesday, 28 August 2024 Regular maintenance
Server consolidation target servers and details will be announced in a separate announcement.
<Cautions for Server Migration and Consolidation
Hyper Boosting Server Shutdown
- The Hyper Boosting Server will be shut down at the time of regular maintenance on Wednesday, 28 August 2024, and characters who have not used server migration will be merged to the server announced in advance.
Only characters who have reached level 40 or higher on the Hyper Boosting Server will be eligible for server migration and consolidation, and characters below level 40 will be deleted at the time of consolidation.
- During the server migration and consolidation, you will receive a "Settlement Support Box" containing Solants, consumables, and other items to help you play smoothly on the new server.
You will be able to find the Settlement Support Box in the Warehouse immediately after the migration, and we will announce the details of the contents in a separate announcement.
Character transfer and deletion information
- To help you settle into Tolland after the update on 21 August, the Hyper Boosting servers will offer more opportunities and rewards with special server settings and events to help you grow your character quickly and enjoy all the content.
- However, after the hyper-boosting server ends, only some information can be transferredwhen moving to another server or consolidating, as the accumulated goods and growth materials may have a significant impact on the economy of the server you moved to.
After server migration and consolidation, we will provide you with settlement support items to help you settle in.
- Transferable information
Character progress*: Character growth information
Content progression information (Codex, Tidal Tower, Gateway to Infinity, etc.)
Content redemption points (Sign of the Covenant: Abyss, Sign of the Covenant dimensions, Resistance referrals)
: Equipped equipment*.
: Lucent and Mileage
- Information that is reset (deleted)
: All items in your bag (excluding equipped gear)
: All items in your warehouse
: All goods except Lucent and Mileage (Solants, Commissioned Coins, Decorated Coins, Guild Coins, Restoration Coins, Mystic Keys)
- The criteria for 'Character Growth Information' includes basic information such as character name and level, as well as the following information.
Skill progression and specialisation
Weapon proficiency
: Complete set achievement status
: Collected information (Guardian / Feral Transformation / Amitoi / Costume / Weapon Appearance / Emote)
- The criteria for "equipped equipment" is limited to "active equipment and stat sets"at the time of transfer or integration.
Equipment that is set to an equipment set that is not active will be treated as a simple bag item and deleted.
Please note the above, and make sure to set the correct settings before applying for the transfer.
- Your Bag and Warehousewill be reset, and all goods information except Lucent and Mileage will also be reset.
Items purchased from special shops and exchanges will also be deleted from your bag/storage if they remain unused or unequipped during the server migration and integration process, so please be careful before purchasing them.
If you areplaying at a premium PC PC, please note that items acquired as "cumulative access rewards" will be deleted during the server migration and integration process if they are not used.
The remaining taxes from the hyper-boosted server will be transferred to the server being merged.