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Throne and Liberty [Notice] Update notes for Wednesday, 26 March

Hello, this is THRONE AND LIBERTY.
We are pleased to announce that we will be performing routine maintenance on Wednesday, 26 March 2025 to update the following.
Please see below for details.

What's in the update

The Feral Transformation Festival has begun.
- You can play from 17:00 on Thursday, 27 March.
Beast Transformation Festival
- The Theme Festa Beast Transformation Festival will begin.
> You can enter via the Main Menu - Theme Festa - Start Matching.
> After completing the match, you'll be randomly selected to participate in one of the following matches: Wild Rush, Speedy Charge, or Expansive Challenge.

The reset date for the Blessing of the Solisium Membership-exclusive product "Sign of the Covenant: Dimension 1 100 Points" has changed.

Blessing of the Solisium
- The weekly purchase limit reset schedule for 'Sign of the Covenant: Dimension 1 100 Points' has been changed from every Monday at 00:00 to every Wednesday at 06:00.
> The description will now read "Monday at 00:00", but will reset normally at "Wednesday at 06:00".
The description error will be fixed in the next maintenance on Wednesday, 2 April.
-The 'Proof of Contract: Dimension 1 100 Points' will be available for 7 days from the time of purchase.

Weapon-specific combat balance adjustments
- We've balanced combat and fixed some errors.
[Dev Comment]
With this specialisation update, we've adjusted weapon combinations to have more distinct roles.
However, we've found that the survivability of the Longsword and Wand combos is stronger than we expected, so we're making some adjustments to ensure a more balanced combat experience.
We're also adding new tactical elements to certain weapons to help different weapon combinations stand on their own,
We've also added new tactical elements to certain weapons to allow for more strategic matchmaking in combat.
We'll continue to make adjustments to ensure that different combat styles can coexist.
As always, we look forward to hearing your feedback, thank you!
- [Vampiric Instinct] General Secondary Specialisation now works better
> Fixed [Assassination Instinct] no longer reducing critical damage when not equipped.

- [Wind Demonstration]
> Increases damage by 20% against monsters.
- Berserk Arrow]
> Deals 100% more damage to monsters.
- [Bombardment]
> Changed to 25% more damage against monsters.
- [Conversion Snipe], [Conversion Bombardment]
> Damage changed to 85% more damage against monsters.
- Mark of the Maw]
> Maw Mark's skill cooldown reduction effect has been changed to only apply to one effect per party at a time.
> Mark of the Maw's Mark effect has been changed to no longer be evasive.
> Mark of the Maw's Mark effect has been changed to have a 100% chance to apply (this chance is affected by debuffs and immunities).
> Fixed an issue where the Mark of the Maw's skill tooltip was missing the debuff notation for the mark.
- [Curse Blast]
> Changed the damage over time explosion effect of Curse Blast to deal a single burst of damage to the target after 1 second (no change to the total damage dealt).
- Time of Retribution]
> [Hour of Consumption] Mastery incorrectly read "when damaged." -> "when attacked" for the specialisation.
- Flash Barrier]
> Fixed an issue where the damage from Flash Barrier was affected by the base range of the currently active weapon instead of the spear's base range.

A new season of Challenges has begun.
- The new season will consist of "3-Star Dimensions".
- The party matching system will also be available for Challenging Dimensions.
Challenging Dimensionals
- From 26th March, a new Season 3 of Challenging Tekken will begin.
> The new season will consist of "3-Star Tiered Zines".
> You can earn the Iron Charka, a swimming transformation, as a reward for achieving high scores.
> The end date of the season will be announced at a later date.
Party Matching for Challenges
- A party matching system will be available for Challenges.
> You can apply for a party match by selecting a role group and dungeon, just like you would for Ranked.
> Specify your Challenge Tier to apply for a party match.
> Currently, only Tier 1, 3, and 5 are available for party matching, but this may be expanded or changed in the future.
> You can earn additional rewards for successful challenges with a matching party.

Some content rewards will be increased and changed.
- Rune rewards in the Illusion Corridor have been increased.
- Arena Coins: The items that can be purchased with Crimson Flame and the rewards given by tiers have been changed.
Illusion Corridor Rewards
- Rune rewards have been increased by 2x.
- The item "Weekly Heroic Gear Drop Box" has been replaced with "Adventure Coin: Divine" in the rewards list.
- Added Rare Artifact Loot Box rewards.
Reward 2
Reward 3
Reward 4
1 Heroic Tier 2 Weapon or 3 Adventure Coins: Divine
8-20 Rare Rune Chance Chests
3 Rare Artifact Chance Boxes
1 Heroic Tier 2 Weapon or 3 Adventure Coins: Divine
10-20 Rare Rune Chance Boxes
4 rare artefact drop boxes
1 Heroic Tier 2 Weapon or 3 Adventure Coins: Divine
12-20 Rare Rune Chance Boxes
4 Rare Artifact Chance Boxes
1 Heroic Tier 2 Weapon or 4 Adventure Coins: Divine
14-20 Rare Rune Chance Boxes
4 Rare Artifact Chance Boxes
1 Heroic Tier 2 Weapon or 4 Adventure Coins: Divine
20 Rare Rune Chance Boxes
0-1 Rare Chaos Rune Pick Boxes
5 Rare Artifact Chance Boxes
0 to 1 Nebula Trinket
Arena Reward Changes
- Existing Arena Coins will be retired and rewards can now be purchased with Arena Coins: Flame.
- Rare Artifact Chance Chests and four new trinkets will be added to the Arena Store.
- Victory Rewards
> Victories in the Arena will now reward you with Victory Rewards by spending Marks of Valour (Points).
> Marks of Valour are charged at a rate of 600 points per day, and 300 points are deducted when you receive a reward.
> A maximum of 3,000 points can be charged, and you will never be charged more than the maximum.
- The detailed list of rewards by tier is as follows
Reward 2
Reward 3
Adventure Coins: 2 Divine
15 Rare Rune Chance Boxes
0-1 Rare Chaos Rune Selection Boxes
Adventure Coin: 2 Divine
13 Rare Rune Chance Boxes
0 to 1 Rare Chaos Rune Selection Box
Officer 2
Adventure Coin: 2 Divine
12 Rare Rune Chance Boxes
0 to 1 Rare Chaos Rune Selection Box
Officer 1
Adventure Coin: 2 Divine
11 Rare Rune Chance Chests
0 to 1 Rare Chaos Rune Selection Box
Elite Soldier3
Adventure Coin: 1 Divine
11 Rare or Uncommon Rune Chance Boxes
0 to 1 Rare Chaos Rune Selection Box
Elite Soldier 2
Adventure Coin: 1 Divine
10 Rare or Uncommon Rune Chance Boxes
0 to 1 Rare Chaos Rune Selection Box
Adventure Coin: 1 Divine
9 Rare or Uncommon Rune Chance Boxes
0 to 1 Rare Chaos Rune Selection Box
9 Rare Rune Chance Chests
Trainee 2
8 Excellent or Rare Rune Chance Chests
Trainee I
7 Excellent Rune Chance Chests

- Seasonal Rewards
> Added 'Nebula Trinket Drop Box: Commitment' to Seasonal Rewards.
- The detailed list of rewards by tier is as follows
Reward 2
Reward 3
Reward 4
45 Arena Coins
Nebula Trinket Chance Box: 5 Fighting Spirit
Dashing Transformation
'Phantom Grimchaser'
Title 'Myth of the Arena S2'
Officer 3
35 Arena Coins
Nebula Trinket Chance Box: 4 Fighting Spirit
Officer 2
30 Arena Coins
Nebula Trinket Drop Box: 3 Fighting Spirit
25 Arena Coins
Nebula Trinket Drop Box: 2 Fighting Souls
Elite Soldier3
20 Arena Coins
Nebula Trinket Drop Box: 1 Fighting Spirit
Elite Soldier 2
15 Arena Coins
Nebula Trinket Drop Box: 1 Fighting Spirit
Elite Soldier 1
10 Arena Coins
Nebula Trinket Drop Box: 1 Fighting Spirit
45 Arena Coins

Some content has been adjusted and improved.
- Changed the matching time for field bosses and the precursor wait time for arc bosses.
- Talent Resonance opening method has been changed to be selectable between Chance/Choice opening.
Field Bosses
- The event completion matching time has been adjusted as follows to allow players to participate in Peace/Faction War events even if the Guild War match fails.
> The time to apply for Guild Wars after the event starts has been changed from 5 minutes to 3 minutes.
> The time to apply for Peace/Faction War after the event starts will remain at 5 minutes.
Arc Bosses
- The precursor wait time after entering Peace/Faction War has been changed from 5 minutes to 1 minute.
Talent Resonance
- The way Talent Resonance opens has been changed.
Probability open
Choose between Chance/Choice opening1

Illusion Corridor
- Changed the race of Umbrakhan from Immortal to Wild.
- Tree explosions no longer instantly kill players in Umbrakhan stages 1-4.
- Increased the chance to block the Fury skill in Umbracan Stage 5.
- Fixed an issue in Umbrakhan stage 5 where the 'Forest Fury' hit interval and frenzy display were the same as in stages 1-4.
- Fixed Umbrakhan's Fury ability no longer causing Evasion checks
- Umbrakhan will no longer jump to the player's position when entering ranged combat and will now pull the player to his position instead of approaching.
- Changed the effect of Umbrakhan's regular wave from increased damage over 10 seconds to increased damage and 100% stamina over 10 seconds.
Co-operative Dungeons
- Kaiser's Dismantle Fear's required quantity display has been changed to a numeric display.
- Opponents are now anonymised on the start screen, in-battle screen, etc. The results screen will be displayed without anonymisation.
- The location where you enter the game or return from certain content spaces has been changed to "force return" to a safe location where PvP is possible.

Cooking ingredient item changes
- Some cooking ingredient items have been changed to the following items.
> The changed ingredients will be moved to the Warehouse.
- Lower-level ingredients obtained from chests and rewards can be changed to other ingredient items by dissolving them.
Before the change
After the change
Bird Egg
Sandworm Egg
Masu Egg
Hard Meat
Wolf Meat
Bird Meat
Light Meat
Thick Meat
Chewy Meat
Dreadnought Egg
bird egg
Shiitake mushrooms
Matsutake mushrooms
- The bottom two items have been changed to Cooking Ingredient Drop Boxes and will be available for future drops via dissolution.
Before the change
After change
Insect Leg
Rare Cooking Ingredient Drop Box
Superior Cooking Ingredient Drop Box
- The Ingredient item has been changed to an Alteration item when crafting with the above changed ingredients.
- The components of the Rare Ingredient Pick Basket that drops the above ingredients have been changed.
- Changed the drop items and chances in the Superior and Rare Ingredient drop boxes for the above ingredients.
- Changed the drop source for Apples from Fruit Trees to Star Trees.
- The following ingredients are no longer available through gathering.
> Celery, Shiitake, Aroma
Cooking recipes
- Solisium Carp has been added as an alternative ingredient for Crowned Fish.
Item Stack Quantity
- Increased the stack quantity for food, elixirs, and potions to 10,000.
- Improved the tablet paper category to be categorised by equipment type.

Some UI features have been changed and added.
Character Information
- The order of the character information window shortcuts has changed.
Integrations - Battle Settings - Mirror Boutique - Help
Battle Settings - Integrations - Mirror Boutique - Help
Monster Races
- The monster target UI now displays the monster race icon before the monster name.
HUD Edit Mode
- New: Added the ability to hide HUD components.
> You can invoke the 'Hidden' or 'Visible' menu via the [Add-ons] button that appears when hovering over a component.
> When 'Hidden', the component is completely hidden from the HUD and a hidden indicator is displayed.
> Saving/applying HUD edit files also includes the hidden/visible status. However, for files saved before the feature update, the default (visible) will be applied in bulk.
Status: Visible
Status: Hidden


Illusion Corridor
- Fixed an issue in the first section where the 'Evil Spirit' would not explode after moving to the centre, preventing you from moving to the next section.
Co-operative Dungeons
- Fixed an issue in the Chapel of Madness where the door to the Ritual Chamber would not open if three Ritual Totems were destroyed at the same time.
- Fixed the display of the main reward descriptions in the Tolland Intercessor zone.
- Fixed an issue where some portals in the Stoneguard zone field boss guildfight were intermittently unavailable.
Nebula Island
- Fixed an issue where more than the maximum number of people could travel to the boss area.
- Fixed an issue in some dungeons where the map would display as unopened when viewing the area list.
- [True Defender Pluton]
> Fixed an issue where the Summon Mortal Tomb effect would not increase endurance by the number of targets on hit.
Regional Events
- Fixed regional events not displaying the item's box type.
- Fixed not being able to see the outline of another player's fishing pole.
- Fixed the colour of the outline of the rod no longer changing to a colour other than the default (white).
Solia's Workshop
- Fixed the same crafting list appearing twice in Solia's Workshop.
- The Raid tab is now displayed by default in the chat tab when you are a member of a raid.
> If the raid tab is not displayed, you can reset the entire tab in the chat tab settings to display it normally.
Fixed UI errors
- HUD] Fixed an issue where the time display, network status display, and tooltips were not displayed when hovering over the mouse.
- Codex] Fixed an issue where the order of pages within a book would be dragged with the mouse in the collection codex.


[Event] Cherry Blossom Spring Sports Day~!
- Show off your skills in sprinting, swimming, and gliding competitions in your bestial form!

[Promo] Abyssal Lord Costume & Weapon Looks
- The Abyssal Lord costume is coming to the Abyss, a powerful warlord who wields immortal power in the darkness of the Abyss.
- Eight new Abyssal Lord weapon cosmetics will be available, unleashing the power of despair and resentment from the darkness.

Known Issues

The following in-game issues are being reported and we'll do our best to fix them quickly.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you.
- Dispute] During the Deluznoa Arkvos event, players' locations may intermittently appear to be in different places.
Wild Transformation Festival
- During the Gliding Transformation Festival event, if you are in a vortex effect and the match ends, you may fail to move to the end point.
> Players are able to progress through the event and are properly exited when the end time is reached after the results are announced.
Special Shop
- The product description for the Blessing of Solisium membership-exclusive product "Sign of the Covenant: 5 Dimension I 100 Points" is displayed incorrectly.
- The purchase limit for the "Sign of the Covenant: 5 x Dimension I 100 Points" item will be reset every Wednesday at 06:00.
Pass Points Store
- In the product description area of the "Rare Cooking Ingredient Selection Basket" in the Pass Point Shop, "Beast Eggs" is displayed as "Insect Eggs".
- Players may become anonymous intermittently in the Arena.

We look forward to bringing you more exciting updates inthe future.
Thank you.