Throne and Liberty Logo

Hello, this is THRONE AND LIBERTY.
We are pleased to announce that we will be performing a routine maintenance on Wednesday, 17 April 2024.
Please see below for details.

Updates & Fixes

Weapon Appearance
- When changing the appearance of the Longbow weapon, the colour and material of the quiver will now change with it.
Before the change
After Change
- The weather schedule for Rathlan and Stoneguard has been changed to be the same.
: If it rains in Rathlan, it will now rain in Stoneguard.
- When party matching is complete and 'waiting for acceptance', the wait time has been changed from 60 seconds to 30 seconds.

Fixed content errors
- Dread Island
: Fixed an issue where the Glowing Raptilian Enforcer would intermittently not use his waves.
: Fixed Meteor of Kertaki now spawning an ignite zone on death when first hit.
: Fixed Kertaki being able to use Predatory Attempt up to 6 times.
: Fixed Kertaki no longer using Earthquake if all rats are hiding just before his starvation state is cleared.
- Slayer's Canyon
: Fixed High Heat Rays being exposed regardless of the Preferences > 'See Only My Show' setting.
- Isle of Blood Fury
Fixed an issue where Sticky Bomb's damage would not apply to players on the boardwalk.
Fixed Goblin Exploder's Keg Bomb no longer being affected by Frozen Tomb.
Fixed an issue with Goblin Explosion Maniac's 'Sticky Bomb' having an area of effect larger than its display size.
: Fixed an issue with Gaitan's 'Flame Axe Throw' tracking damage area not disappearing when the battle resets.
Fixed an issue where the 'Aura of Flame' area that spawns around Gaitan after his 'Sacrifice Ritual' would sometimes not be visible.
: Gaitan's 'Execution' now has a more visible pre-damage area.
: Fixed an issue with Gaitan's 'Goblin Pillar' spawning and death animations not being visible.
: Fixed an issue where Gaitan could be dragged into the Goblin Pillar even if his 'Brand of Sacrifice' status was removed.
- Codex
: [Fixed an issue where the objective would not refresh when branded in the 'Blue Flame Brand to Red Flame Brand sequence' in Isle of Blood Rage.
: Fixed an issue where the title given as a reward for the [Isle of Bloodfury] Codex was incorrectly displayed.
- Field Bosses
: Fixed Adentus' Fury skill no longer causing misses.
Skill bug fixes
- Wand
Fixed: The Virtuous Regeneration active skill now reflects changes to your character's max mana stat immediately.
System bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where unchecking a Watchful Guild, nearby monster or object would still target the relevant target.
- Fixed an intermittent death penalty when dying in the Dimensional Realm, Gateway to Infinity, and Tower of Tidal.
- Fixed the incorrect number of invites being displayed when invited to a group chat room.
- Fixed requested items dropping from monsters that were killed by party members but did not contribute to the kill.
- Fixed the mouse cursor moving to the top left of the screen when playing in full screen/full window mode.
- Removed "Guild Ranking Benefit - Chat Marker" that was not working correctly.
- Simplified the movement path when auto-moving to an interaction or attack target.

- Fixed an issue where certain colours would not be applied correctly when dyeing the female character's part 3 of the Thunderhorn costume.
Before Change
After Change

Advance notice of changes to the Capture the Flag process and schedule
- After the update on Wednesday, 24 April, the progression and schedule of Capture the Flag will be adjusted.

Events & Promotions

[Promotion] Server Transfer Tickets
- Server Transfer Tickets are now on sale.

[Promotion] Dawn Traveller Pack
- The Traveller of Dawn outfit package and Eosin's weapon cosmetics are now on sale.
[Event] Wednesday, 17 April Event Announcement
- Schnee's Gift attendance sheet has been added.

[Event] Wednesday, 24 April Event Upcoming
- We'll be hosting an event to help you earn Hero gear.
- Details will be announced in the event announcement on Wednesday, 24 April.
Rathlan Tracker Package End of Sale Notice
- The Rathlan Tracker Package will be available for sale until Wednesday, 24 April, when we will be undergoing maintenance.
Ending Events
- Succubi's Gift Event has ended.
- The Boost Festival event has ended.

Known issues

Changing tax rates
- When changing the tax rate through the Managers of a province, the display of the time available for change is not displayed.
You can change the tax rate once until the next siege, but if you change it within 30 minutes of the end of the siege, you will still have one chance to change it.
We look forward to seeing you in the future with more exciting updates.
Thank you.