Throne and Liberty Logo

Hello, this is THRONE AND LIBERTY.
We will be performing a routine maintenance on Wednesday, 24 April 2024 to inform you of the updates that will be applied.
For more information, please see below.

What's new

Added a new 2-star dungeon in Paola's Dimension, the Screaming Torture Chamber.
- Added a new 2-star dungeon, The Screaming Torture Chamber, featuring the Archium Legion's chief torture technician, Caligras.
New Paola's Dimension [Screaming Torture Chamber]
- Added a new 2-star dungeon, The Screaming Torture Chamber.
: New Exploration Codex and Gathering Codex have been placed in [Paola's Dimension > Screaming Torture Chamber].

Guild Capture Battles (Dimension Stones / Origin Stones) have been reworked.
- Capture the Flag changes to 'Declare' mode.
- After the War of Domination is 'declared', guilds will be 'matched' based on their ranking, and only a limited number of guilds will be able to participate.
Progress schedule
- The progression cycle for each Capture the Flag will be the same, and the first progression schedule after the update will look like this
Occupation Stone
Cycles and detailed schedules
Schedule for the first Capture the Flag after the update
Capture the Flag Schedule
6-day cycle / 11pm
36 hours before capture
Announcing match results
12 hours before capture
Capture the Flag
27 April starting at 11pm
For 24 hours from 11am on 26 April
Announcing match results
27 April, 11am
Dimensional Stones
Capture the Flag Schedule
4-day cycle / 11pm
36 hours before capture
Announcing match results
12 hours before capture
Capture the Flag
Starting 25 April at 11pm
For 24 hours from 11am on 24 April
Announcing match results
25 April, 11am
Declaration rules
- 36 hours before each capture, you can declare it to the capture seats you wish to join.
: [Capture the Flag] is displayed on the left side of the minimap.
: [Notify me of capture battles] to notify me of capture battles that can be declared.
- You can declare by tapping 'Can Declare' in the [Capture Battle Notification], or by going to [Guild > Capture].
<when you have a captured capture seat>.
You must 'relinquish ownership' of the seat before you can declare it for another capture.
<When there are no occupied seats

- The 'Guild Leader' / 'Chief of Staff' of a Guild that does not own a Captured Stone can select up to 3 Captured Stones to 'declare'.
: Pressing 'Select' will display a list of the currently declared control seats.
: At this point, you cannot 'declare' on a capture stone held by a friendly guild.
- Once you've selected all of the Seats you wish to claim, click 'Claim' to complete the declaration, which will consume Guild Flags.
: You can change your aspirations after proclaiming, but the 'guild flag' used in the proclamation will not be returned.
- You can see which guilds have declared a war in [War Notifications] and [Guilds > Captures].
Capture the Flag notifications
Guilds > Capture
Matching rules
- Twelve hours before the Capture the Flag begins, you'll be matched with someone.
: You can check the matching results in [Capture Battle Notifications] and [Guild > Capture].
Capture the Flag notifications
Guilds > Capture
[Capture Stone with owning guild].
If you don't have a declared guild
: The existing guild retains ownership at the time the matching results are announced.
If 1 guild declares
: Your guild will play a control battle with the existing owning guild (1:1 match between 2 guilds).
③ Declared by two or more guilds
: The 'Guild Confirmed Ranking' determines the opposing guild.
Ranking of guilds with Occupation Stones < Highest ranking among proclaimed guilds
> The guild with the highest guild rank among the declared guilds will be selected (1:1 match between 2 guilds).
: Ranking of guilds with Occupation Stones > Highest ranking among proclaimed guilds
> The two guilds with the highest guild rankings among the declared guilds will be selected. (3 guilds 1:1:1 matching)
[Occupation Stone without an owning guild].
If you don't have a declared guild
: The match result will remain as an occupied stone with no owning guild at the time of announcement.
If 1 guild declares
: The declaring guild will take over immediately when the match result is announced.
③ When two guilds declare
: 2 declared guilds will be matched 1:1 (2 guilds).
④ Declared by two or more guilds
: The 'Guild Confirmed Ranking' determines the opposing guild.
> 3 guilds with the highest guild ranking among the declared guilds will be selected (1:1:1 match between 3 guilds)
- Guilds that fail to match will be returned the 'Guild's flag' used in the proclamation.
- Once a Capture Stone has been matched, it cannot be relinquished until the Capture Battle is over.
Capture the Flag
- Guild Banners are no longer consumed when "Attempting to Capture" to progress in a Capture the Flag.
[Occupy BC].
- Proceed as before.
[Dimension Stone Capture].
* The preview announced the start of the Capture the Flagship as "Enter Contested Territory", but the progression has been retained as "Interact with a Dimension Stone".
- Changed the UI for Capture the Flagship battles.

Spectator status
- If a non-Guild character enters a Guild Capture the Flag space as a result of a Capture the Flag match, they will be 'spectators'.
My screen
Other people's screens
: You will appear translucent to the viewer and transparent to others.
You cannot attack or interact with other characters while spectating (but you can use your grappling hook).
Added a new consumable item: Rare Purification Elixir.
- A consumable item that can remove some status effects applied by other characters.
- Materials for these items can be found in dungeons level 50 and above that cost 'Sign of the Covenant: Abyss' points.
■ Nutritional supplements
- Added 'Rare Purification Elixir'.
Removes 'Stunned, Bound, Sleeping, Silenced' status when used (cooldown 2 minutes)
Shares cooldown with rare offensive and defensive elixirs.
: 1 Abyssal Agglomerate and 10 Rare Nature's Regular to craft.

Field Dungeon Rewards
- Added rewards for level 50+ dungeon monsters that cost 'Sign of the Covenant: Abyss' points.
: Abyssal Aggregate
: Excellent natural regular
: A Rare Periodicity of Nature
* We've determined that the current supply of natural energies in the game is insufficient for the amount of consumption, and have added additional sources to address this.

Play experience adjustments to some content.
- A Teleportation Stone has been placed on Lizard Island.
- Changed the auto-selection rules when entering the Co-op Dungeon menu.
- Changed the field boss spawn schedule to always have more [Peace] field bosses at 13:00, 16:00, and 22:00.
For other content error fixes, please check the 'Fixes' section.
Lizard Island
- A Teleportation Stone has been placed on Lizard Island.
: To unlock the 'Lizard Island Teleportation Stone', you must travel aboard the 'Gigantite'.
: The 'Lizard Island Docks' now has a latch that leads to the dungeon interior, making it always accessible.
: 'Lizard Island Teleportation Stone' cannot be used during 'Night'.
Field Dungeons
- Lowered the height of the walkway connected to the drive unit in 'Abyss of Sileus Level 5-6' to match the height of the drive unit.
- We've placed escape latches in some isolated areas of the Sanctuary of Desire.
Co-operative Dungeons
- When you first open the [Co-op Dungeon] menu, we've changed the default selection difficulty to be 'Normal'.
- Improved to save the last selection during game progression.
Field Boss
- Changed field boss events at 13:00, 16:00, and 22:00 to always spawn more [Peace] field bosses.
: Same time of day, same content, peace is always equal to or greater than the amount of conflict.
Boss battles
- Changed the 'Swing' and 'Spin' skills used by 'Adentus' against targets from AoE attacks to target + AoE attacks.
Field bosses, guild raids, and the 'Adventus' boss in Dimensional Space will all change.
Paola's rewards
- Removed the 'Jewellery' item that drops from dimension circles below level 50.
- Added a crafting recipe for the 'Jewellery' main ingredient 'Growth Stone' to replace the 'Inlaid Jewellery'.
- The 'Arc Boss Weapon Extract' recipe has been removed.
* We were planning to introduce 'Craft Extracts' by collecting 2-star Soulstones, but we were concerned that the 'stochastic nature' of crafted extracts could lead to unnecessary expenditure of collected resources, so we've decided to change things up a bit.
We apologise to those of you who were looking forward to the Arcvos weapon progression, we'll have more information on this in the near future.
- Exploration Codex
: [Paola's Dimension > Isle of Terror > Backwards River] changed so that igniting the Raptilian Brazier now also completes the objective for nearby party members.
: [Fornos Basin > Wildlands, Fornos Basin] changed "Gain Marind Ore when it rains" to "Gain Marind Ore when it rains, gather flowering wildflowers".
- Adventure Codex
: [Act 9: Pact of Fire and Darkness > Unknown Threats] Improved the Fornos Basin investigation with Jarek so that it can be conducted at night instead of only during the day.

Improved some combat experiences.
- New: Added a 'lock-on' feature that allows you to lock on to a target after aiming at it in Action mode.
- Fixed trigger conditions and effects for some equipment skills that were causing them to be overly efficient or less efficient than intended.
- Fixed an error that was occurring with some skills.
Action mode: Lock-on
- In Action mode, you can lock on to a target when aiming and [Ctrl+Left Mouse] typing.
: Flat hits and skills are used against stationary targets.
: When a target is pinned, mouse operations will not select another target.
: You can change the pinned target with the [Tab] key.
: The target is killed, or you can unfreeze the target with the [ESC] or [X] key.
- Changed the trigger condition for equipment skills that have a chance to apply a status ailment to only trigger when attacked with that weapon, to fix an issue with some skills being overly effective in combination with other skills.
Target items
Frenzied Charge Blade
Dagger of Minzerok
Venomous Cobra Crossbow
Queen Blendy's Annihilation Palace
Cult of Fate Voodoo Rod
- The effect of Dagger [Silent Stalker] has been changed.
Skill Level
Before the change
After the change
Level 1
Damage increased by 25% of base damage
6% more Damage
Level 2
Damage increased by 50% of base damage
12% more Damage
Level 3
Damage increased by 75% of base damage
18% more Damage
Level 4
Damage increased by 100% of base damage
24% more Damage
- Changed the effect of the two-handed sword [Hellgatekeeper's Galeblade] to now apply a combustion effect equal to the skill level of the skill, even if the staff is not equipped.
Fixing combat errors
- Two-handed sword
: Fixed [Bloodline of Devotion] and [Ascension Slash] sharing cooldown time.
- Dagger
: Fixed [Illusory Smoke] not protecting cloaked targets.
- Fixed [Blade Parry] sound being emitted when using [Cloak of Stealth].
- Crossbows
: Fixed an issue where [Exposing Weaknesses] would not apply to Fury skills that attack multiple times.
- Longbow
: Fixed an issue where the [Gunner's Sense] active skill and the effect of 4 sets of 'Winged Wind' armour could not be applied at the same time.
- Cane
: [Mystic Shield] now correctly outputs a plotter when triggered.
: [Infernal Meteorite] added an ignition floater on hard hits.
- Wands
Fixed an issue that caused double healing to be displayed when hitting a healing bash.
We've made some system improvements.
- Improved the presentation of information on maps/minimaps.
- Changed the 'Character Business Card' to show the character's weapon information.
For other system error fixes, please check 'Fixes'.
- Improved location icons to be displayed when the nearest icon on the map is more than 8m away from the character.

- Placeholder icon output to
: World Information - Minerals, Trees, Herbs, Mushrooms
: Targets - Adventure Codex Objectives, Exploration Codex Objectives, Sponsored Objectives, Guild Sponsored Objectives
- Dungeons and Teleportation Stones with entry/use conditions will display the available conditions.

Entrance to the Abyss of Sileus
- The door opens during the day.
Entrance to the Sanctum of Desire
- When it rains, the door opens.
Lizard Island Teleportation Stone
- Available during the day.
Character business cards
- You can see the character's weapon set in the 'Character Business Card'.
: Weapon set information is only displayed while the character is online.

Mirror Boutique
- Improved the ability to take a 'profile shot' that includes the costume's 'headdress'.
: The existing 'View Helm' option has been changed to 'View Headdress'.
- Improved tooltip information to be displayed when hovering over an unlock cost item in the Mirror Boutique.
- When a party member logs out, they will now be removed from the party within 3-6 minutes.
- Improved the display of the marker image in My PC Info, the Target UI, and the party member list when marking a party.
Bags / Warehouse
- Increased item stack size for World Tree Leaf, Stellar Boom, and Stellar Boom Elements.
Improved UI usability.
For other UI error fixes, please see 'Fixes'.
Merchant NPCs
- Added the ability to Shift+Left-click when purchasing items with a limit to bulk purchase the entire limit quantity.
- Added the ability to buy in bulk by setting the required quantity per product.
- Improved the HUD quickslot set toggle button to call a context menu with quickslot set selection when right-clicking.
- Improved the presentation of the HUD weapon switch buttons to differentiate between Heroic and Tier 2 statuses.
- Increased the size of the skill stack information font in buff/debuff slots.
- [Preferences] > [Gameplay] > [Characters] > [Show Character Names] > [NPC] has been changed to allow you to turn on/off [Name] and [Health] respectively.
Co-operative Dungeons
- Added a display to the match progress information to make it easier to recognise when a party is matching in a co-op dungeon.
- Improved to show if you are interacting with multiple characters at the same time.

When other characters are interacting
When I'm interacting
Other UI improvements
- Improved [Guild > Guild Members] to display your character information at the top of the list.
- Removed inactive representation from [Equipment Enhancement > Growth] growth material icons with no equipment reserves.
- Added the Events tab to the Create menu.
Improved the usability of the gamepad.
For other gamepad error fixes, please see 'Fixes'.
Quick flip
- Added the ability to rotate the camera 180 degrees to quickly spot enemies behind you.
: Executed when the character movement stick is pressed down twice in succession. [L-Stick Down x 2]

- Improved the ability to apply marks to other players in Peace Zones via the context menu.

Photo Mode
- Added the ability to control Photo Mode with the gamepad.


Edit content
- Fixed an issue where 'Kertaki' would intermittently become invisible in [Isle of Terror].
- Fixed an issue in Isle of Terror where the battle would reset after exhaustion if all players were killed during Kertaki Starvation.
- Fixed an issue in Isle of Blood Fury where players in a cleared state would intermittently transfer to a dead monster when killing a Red Aura monster.
- Fixed an issue with the [Void Wastes] special pattern where it was possible to escape the Outer Light Rift without taking damage.
- Fixed an issue where Explosive Bighorn Sheep would remain after killing Turka in [Slaughterhouse Canyon].
- Fixed the placement and movement path of Orc Key Managers in [Butcher's Gulch] and [Slaughterhouse Gulch] to prevent the key pouches they drop from getting stuck in the terrain.
- Fixed a mismatch between the wording and voice in some questions presented by the 'Destroyer' skill on 'Junobot'.
- Fixed an issue where gliding could intermittently fail in the "Old Castle Spawn" during the Tax Transport content.
- Fixed an issue where Gatehammer would intermittently walk while looking backwards when using the Hammer of Heatwave in front of the outer gate during the Siege content.
- Fixed an issue where the content alert 'Check World Map Location' would not display the location on the world map.
- Fixed an issue where the displayed location would disappear if you moved the map while locating a content alert.
- Fixed an issue where the location of a content alert would appear small when checking the location.
- Fixed an issue where you could jump to the previous section from 'Da Vinci's Fortress' on 'Wisp Island'.
- Fixed an issue where some water pools on Lizard Island and Purification Hill were not applying the 'Wet' effect.
- Fixed an issue where some areas within 'Lizard Island' were being determined as 'Stoneguard Coast'.
- Fixed an issue where some areas in Sanctuary of Desire were being determined to be 'Stoneguard Coast'.
- Fixed an issue with some of the voices in the Riddles of the Mysterious Stone in the Sanctum of Desire.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Unholy Witch Cult Robe' was missing from [Level 40 Netherworld > Caverns of Despair].
System modifications
- Party Matching] Fixed an issue where the 'profile picture' of a matching party member was not visible.
- Party Matching] Fixed a failure notice when sending a 'Guild Invite' to a character on another server.
- Party Matching] Fixed an issue where an existing party could not start party matching after a party member left in a dungeon below level 50.
- Fixed game lag when selecting [Preferences > Hotkeys].
- Fixed a system message displaying incorrectly when earning a reward for achieving a higher rank in Gateway to Infinity.
- Fixed the character's server affiliation not being displayed in [Personal Relationships].
- Fixed an issue where unclaimed items in the tabletop book would be displayed with an earned icon.
- Changed the name of the feral shapeshifter from "tiger" to "tyon".
Before the change
After the change
Saber Tiger
Saber tie-on
Pierce Tiger
Pierce tie-on
Proud Tiger
Proud tie-on
Eat Tiger
Animate tie-on
Marvas Tiger
Marvas Taion
Ghost Tiger
Ghost tie-ons
UI modifications
- Fixed a bug where the main menu would not launch with preferences open.
- Fixed the party management window being obscured by the chat window, so the party management window is now displayed above the chat window.
- Fixed character and camera orientation information on the map being displayed incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where items obtained from screen messages were not displaying correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the quickslot set in the HUD would not change when exiting indoors.
- Fixed an issue where party member buff icons would sometimes appear blank.
- Fixed an issue where changing the distance setting in StellarVision would select targets that were further away than the range.
- Fixed an issue that caused the damage up/down numbers in the equipment comparison tooltip to display incorrectly under certain circumstances.
- Changed the icons for Theo, the Bardic Charms Exchanger in Castler Town and Jonah, the Bardic Charms Exchanger in Bienta Town.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect modelling on some high-end/rare armour drops.

Gamepad modifications
- Fixed [Content Management > Explore] tab, Codex items that are not visible on the screen being selected during operation.
- Fixed an additional issue where gliding controls were difficult to perform while the player character was forced into the air.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Exploration Codex recommendations from being favourites in the content management window.
- Fixed an issue where scroll controls would not work on the Collection Codex detail screen.
- Fixed an issue where entering the Adventure Codex from the Content Alert would not select the relevant item.
- Fixed an issue where content would not switch when switching platforms while a tutorial was open.

Events and promotions

The Express Resistance Super Week event is here!
[EVENT 1] Resistance? Double up!

Double up on Co-op Dungeon Clearance Reward Boxes!
Traditional engagement rewards
Reward participation during an event
Co-op Dungeons (1-star to 2-star)
Summons 1 Reward Chest when defeating a boss
Summons 2 Reward Chests when defeating a boss
* When summoning 2 Reward Chests, you can spend Abyssal Contract: Dimension Points for each Reward Chest to earn rewards.

Sign of the deal: Double up on dimensions!
Reward participation during an event
Proof of Agreement: Dimensions
10am daily
Token of the agreement: 900 Dimension Points mailed to you
Mail is valid for 24 hours from the date of dispatch and can only be claimed once per account.

Double the rewards for clearing arc/field bosses!
Traditional engagement rewards
Reward participation during an event
Full Arc/Field Boss
Conquest Participation Reward Box *1
Scourge Participation Reward Box *2
Double your Solstice and Mastery gains!
Reward participation during an event
Item Effects
Solants and proficiency
10am daily
Receive 3 Fruits of Growth in the mail
(but 6 on Fri/Sat/Sun)
Dwell time: 30 minutes
Cooldown time: 30 minutes
Effect: +100% Solant and Mastery Gain
* 24 hour postal receipt period
* Items disappear 24 hours after receipt
Double your activity score!
Event Duration Effects
Apply effects to
Activity score
Activity score * 2
Request completed
Completed a guild request
Participating and ranking in delayed events
Participating in Arc Boss Events
Defeating Field Bosses
Mystic Portal, Mystic Globe unlocked
Earn extraordinary kill rewards
The amount of Activity Points earned by individuals is doubled, and the Guild Ranking is calculated as the sum of the Guild Activity Points + Guild Members' Activity Points.

[EVENT 2] D.I.Y1 Dimension Soulstone!

One event.
Gather the materials to craft a 'Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 2-Star' to craft.
How to join an event
First. Gather crafting materials
- Earn 'Unknown Soulstones' from the daily attendance book 'Riccio's Rich Gift'.
- Clear the Co-operation Dungeon and earn 'Soul Coins'.
Co-operative Dungeons
Earned items
1 star
2 Soul Coins
2 stars
4 Soul Coins
After completing the Co-operation Dungeon, you will need to spend 'Sign of the Covenant: Dimension' points to open the reward chest to receive Soul Coins.
* During the"Resistance? Double Up!" event, you can spend twice as many points to get twice as many items.
Soul Coins cannot be obtained in dimensions below level 50.
Second. Craft 'Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 2-Star' to craft.
Crafting Materials1
Crafting Materials 2
Production costs
Production Deliverables (100%)
1 Unknown Soulstone
1 Soul Coin
150,000 Soland
Dimensional Soulstone selection box: 2 stars
1 Unknown Soulstone
10,000 Solands
Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 star
1 Soul Coin
10,000 Solands
Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 star
The 'Unknown Soulstone' and 'Soul Coin' items will be valid until 16 May 2024 at 05:00 on Thursday, 16 May 2024, and will be removed after that time.
The base crafting cost plus the applicable tax rate will consume Solant.

Event two.
You can exchange 2 Soulstones for 1 Soulstone of your choice.
How to join an event
First. Earn Soul Stones by playing a Dimension 1 or Dimension 2 star in a co-op dungeon.
Second. Crafting NPCs in each stronghold will give you a 'Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 Star' or 'Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 2-star'.
- Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 star
Crafting Materials
Production costs
Production Deliverables (100%)
Dimensional Soulstone: 2 Karnix
10,000 Solands
Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 star
Dimensional Soulstone: 2 Shaykal
10,000 Solands
Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 star
Dimensional Soulstone: 2 Chimarex
10,000 Solands
Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 star
Dimensional Soulstone: 2 Magnaduks
10,000 Solands
Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 star
Dimensional Soulstone: 2 Requiros
10,000 Solands
Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 star
Dimensional Soulstone: 2 Double Keys
10,000 Solands
Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 star
The base crafting cost plus the applicable tax rate will consume Solant.
- Dimensional Soulstone selection box: 2 stars
Crafting Materials
Production costs
Production Deliverables (100%)
Dimensional Soulstone: 2 Kertaki
100,000 Solands
Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 2-star
Dimensional Soulstone: 2 Shakarux
100,000 Solands
Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 2-star
Dimensional Soulstone: 2 Turka
100,000 Solands
Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 2-star
Dimensional Soulstone: 2 Gaithans
100,000 Solands
Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 2-star
Dimensional Soulstone: 2 Calligrass
100,000 Solands
Dimensional Soulstone Selection Box: 1 2-star
The base crafting cost plus the applicable tax rate will consume Solant.

[EVENT 3] Riccio's Rich Gift

Attendance book rewards
Reward items
Reward items
Day 1
Day 8
Unknown Soulstone
Day 2
Unknown Soulstone
Day 9
Unknown Soulstone
Day 3
Dimensional Soulstone: Karnix
Day 10
Dimensional Soulstone: Magnaduke
Day 4
Dimensional Soulstone: Shaikal
Day 11
Dimensional Soulstone: Double Key
Day 5
Dimensional Soulstone: Chimarex
Day 12
Dimensional Soulstone: Requiros
Day 6
Unknown Soulstone
Day 13
Unknown Soulstone
Day 7
Legion of Honour
Day 14
Unknown Soulstone
[EVENT 4] Special Supply of Enhanced Equipment

One event.
You can purchase the 'Express Resistance Enhancement Gear' for 424 Solans in the Specialised Shop.

Event prizes
Product name
More information
Configuration items
Purchase restrictions
Express Resistance Upgrade
Weapon selection box
X / X / O
Level 3 Express Resistance Greatsword
Once per account
Level 3 Greater Resistance Longsword
Level 3 Express Resistance Dagger
Level 3 Express Resistance Crossbow
Level 3 Uncommon Resistance Longbow
Level 3 Express Resistance Staff
Level 3 Uncommon Resistance Wand
* You can choose a Level 3 Express Resistance Weapon, which is instantly dropped into your inventory when used.

Product name
More information
Configuration items
Purchase restrictions
Express Resistance Upgrade Weapon Selection Box
X / X / O
Express Resistance Upgrade Top Selection Box
3 times per account
Express Resistance Enhanced Shoe Selection Box
Express Resistance Enhanced Gloves Selection Box
Express Resistance Enhanced Helmet Selection Box
Select Boxes under the Express Resistance Upgrade
When using the Express Resistance Enhanced Top/Shoes/Gloves/Helmet/Bottoms selection box, you can select the Level 3 Express Resistance Armour, which is instantly dropped into your bag when used.

Event two.
You can collect Express Resistance medals and exchange them with the Exchange NPC in each base.
How to join an event
First up. Collecting medals for the Express Resistance
- Earn 40 'Express Resistance Medals', the reward for Day 21 of the already ongoing Attendance Book 'Schnee's Gift'.
- During the "Resistance? Double Up!" event, you'll earn double the amount of Participation Rewards for participating in the Arc/Field Boss Conquest, and when you spend them, you'll receive two Express Resistance Medals as confirmation.
Second. Exchange through the Exchange NPC in each base.
Item name
Number of goods required
Purchase restrictions
Express Resistance Upgrade Armour
Selection box
5 Medals of the Resistance
Once per character
Express Resistance Upgrade Weapon
Selection box
10 Medals of the Resistance Express
2 times per character
Legion of Honour
3 Medals of the Resistance
7 times per week

[Promo] Stormguard's Feral Package
- Sprint Transformation: Added 'Phantom Squall'.
- Glide Transformation: Added 'Floss Purpur'.
- Swim Transformation: Added 'Spinel Dracoturtle'.

[Promo] 'Battle Pass: Star of Elreia'
- 'Costume: 'Harbinger of Knowledge' is added.
- Amitoi: 'Tianjin Romance Slottie' is added.

Resistance Supply Package
- The removal of the 'Additional Resistance Referrals' item in the Resistance's Supply Package has been rescheduled to 19 June at 06:00.
Does not share a bag slot with 'Additional Resistance Referrals' earned through existing Resistance Supply packages.

Known issues

We will do our best to fix the following in-game issues as soon as possible.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Change tax rates
- When changing the tax rate through the estate manager, the time available for change is not displayed.
> You can change your tax rate twice before the next siege, but if you don't change it within 30 minutes of the end of the siege, your chance to change it will be reduced to once.
- When leveling up an enhanced skill with a Heroic Tier 2 weapon, the equipment skill functionality is sometimes not applied.
> Re-register the skill in the Quickslot in the Skills window, or it will be reflected as normal when you reconnect.
Paola's dimensions
- Caligrax, the boss of the Screaming Torture Chamber, sometimes does not display correctly when the '[Graphics Quality] > [Low]' option is used.
Capture the Flag
- Minimap markers for 'spectator' rankers are sometimes displayed on the map.
We'll be back with more exciting updates in the future.
Thank you.