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Study Stars and Nightmares Quest Chapter 10 - Throne and Liberty

Study Stars and Nightmares Quest Chapter 10 - Throne and Liberty

4 days ago

Study Stars and Nightmares Description in Throne and Liberty

Together with Clay, you investigated the connection between the Star of Sylaveth and the nightmares. Per ancient texts, those who possessed pieces of the Star of Sylaveth were spiritually connected to each other, sharing sensations and even traveling through time and space.

What to do - Overview of Study Stars and Nightmares in Throne and Liberty

  1. Go to the Library on the Purelight Tower 1F
  2. Speak with Clay
  3. Find a book about Sylaveth
  4. Speak with Clay
  5. See what the fuss is about outside the Library at Purelight Tower 1F
Adventure Codex Study Stars and Nightmares in Throne and Liberty
Adventure Codex Study Stars and Nightmares in Throne and Liberty

As a reward for completing Study Stars and Nightmares in Throne and Liberty, we receive 2 Precious Accessory Growthstones.

Next Adventure Codex Assaulted Purelight Tower in Throne and Liberty.