Appendix: Equipment Upgrade Quest Chapter 1 - Throne and Liberty 4 months ago Chapter 2: The Demise of the Gray-Fanged Share on Reddit Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Appendix: Equipment Upgrade Description in Throne and Liberty Melki the Storage Manager advised you to get ready for the battle against Arkeum and taught you how to effectively upgrade your equipment. You can now own even stronger equipment by upgrading it. What to do - Overview of Equipment Upgrade in Throne and Liberty Speak with Storage Manager Melki in Kastleton Open the Equipment Enchanting Window (with [.]) to upgrade an Uncommon or higher weapon by 1 level Adventure Codex Appendix: Equipment Upgrade in Throne and Liberty Equipment Upgrade Quest summary - Throne and Liberty We are supposed to upgrade a normal weapon by 1 level. To do this, press the [.] key on the keyboard, left-click once on the weapon, and then on Equipment Enchanting (the anvil). There we can then upgrade the weapon for gold, provided we have enough upgrade materials (Weapon Growthstones). You can also do this via the character menu [P]. Equipment Enchanting - Weapon Upgrade in Throne and Liberty As a reward for completing Equipment Upgrade in Throne and Liberty, we receive 10 Quality Magic Powders, 10 Recovery Crystals, and 1 Quality Lithograph: Weapons Old Adventure Codex Appendix: Developing Weapons in Throne and Liberty Old Adventure Codex Appendix: Developing Weapons in Throne and Liberty