Appendix: Dimensional Circle: Roaring Temple Quest Chapter 4 - Throne and Liberty 3 weeks ago Chapter 4: The Terrific Trio of Carmine Forest Share on Reddit Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Appendix: Dimensional Circle: Roaring Temple Description in Throne and Liberty You found a lost research journal in the Roaring Temple beyond the dimensional circle. It holds valuable insights that should be useful for Paola's Dimensional Circle research. What to do - Overview of Appendix: Dimensional Circle Roaring Temple in Throne and Liberty Co-Op Dungeon: Enter the Roaring Temple through the dimensional circle to find Paola's Research Journal Appendix: Dimensional Circle: Roaring Temple Quest Chapter 4 - Throne and Liberty Enter the Co-Op Dungeon Roaring Temple. The Jorunal is again behind the first boss next to the campfire. Journal location Roaring Temple - Throne and Liberty Journal location Roaring Temple - Throne and Liberty Next Appendix: Dimensional Circle: Cave of Desperation As a reward for completing Appendix: Dimensional Circle: Roaring Temple in Throne and Liberty, we receive 1 Rare Active Skill Growth Book and 1 Rare Passive Skill Growth Book