His Name Is Jacque Hander Quest Chapter 5 - Throne and Liberty 5 months ago Chapter 5: A Sacred Pledge of Blood Share on Reddit Share on Twitter Share on Facebook His Name Is Jacque Hander Description in Throne and Liberty The leader of Stongard's Resistance Forces was a cheerful man who felt somehow beastlike. Once you had explained the whole story, Jacque lent you the Guardian's Pledge of legendary Vampire Slayer Eksekiel, but he advised you to find the Pledge Loop containing Ekzekiel's memories in the Temple of Sylaveth to strengthen the Guardian first. What to do - Overview of His Name Is Jacque Hander in Throne and Liberty Go to Jacque Hander's Office on Stonegard Castle Speak with Jacque Hander Exit Jacque Hander's Office Adventure Codex His Name Is Jacque Hander in Throne and Liberty His Name Is Jacque Hander Quest summary - Throne and Liberty Stonegard Resistance Leader Jacque Hander is in his office. We tell him about Sophia's situation and he tells us about the vampires. The danger they pose is enormous and whether we are really up to it. Of course, we want to help Sophia, no matter how dangerous it gets. With the help of the Guardian Pledge Ezekiel, we should first search the Temple of Sylaveth. As soon as he finished speaking, we heard a mysterious voice behind us. There is a ghost at the door who wants us to follow him. As a reward for completing His Name Is Jacque Hander in Throne and Liberty, we received 30 Quality Armor Growthstones, 30 Quality Accessory Growthstones, 35 Quality Active Skill Growth Books, and 20 Quality Passive Skill Growth Books. Next Adventure Codex Pledge Loop in Throne and Liberty.