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Appendix: The Romance of Fishing Quest Chapter 5 - Throne and Liberty

Appendix: The Romance of Fishing Quest Chapter 5 - Throne and Liberty

5 months ago

Appendix: The Romance of Fishing Description in Throne and Liberty

As Adventurer Pro Percy waxed poetic about the wonders of adventure, you went fishing. While relaxing by the water, you had a unique experience: you were so relaxed, you barely noticed the passage of time.

What to do - Overview of Appendix: The Romance of Fishing in Throne and Liberty

  1. Complete Adventure Chapter 3: Appendix: Adventures of the Expedition, and then talk to Adventurer Pro Percy in Vienta Village
  2. Catch 8 fishes in the ocean
  3. Talk to Adventurer Pro Percy in Vienta Village
Adventure Codex Appendix: The Romance of Fishing in Throne and Liberty
Adventure Codex Appendix: The Romance of Fishing in Throne and Liberty

Appendix: The Romance of Fishing Quest summary - Throne and Liberty

We go to Adventurer Pro Percy, who is standing near the Party Board in Vienta Village in Throne and Liberty. He sends us southwest to the ocean to fish for 8 fish. The fishing is a bit tricky.

First we need baits, which we can buy from contract coin merchants in Throne and Liberty. We then place the fishing rod and baits in the appropriate slots via P, just like weapons and armor.

Fishing baits in Throne and Liberty: The Romance of Fishing
Fishing baits in Throne and Liberty: The Romance of Fishing

Back at sea in Throne and Liberty, we take the fishing rod in our hands and see a marker in the water. We can cast it out here. As soon as a fish bites, we have to press the Q button. We now have 2 displays: An orange one that shows the fish's energy and a green one that shows our energy. If the fish swims to the left, we pull it to the right and vice versa. We keep doing this until it gets tired and we can pull it out.

Fishing displays in Throne and Liberty
Fishing displays in Throne and Liberty

As a reward for completing Appendix: The Romance of Fishing in Throne and Liberty, we receive 5 Rare Magic Powders.

Next Appendix: The World of Cooking in Throne and Liberty.