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Magic Amplification Gear Material  - Quest Chapter 7 - Throne and Liberty

Magic Amplification Gear Material - Quest Chapter 7 - Throne and Liberty

5 months ago

Magic Amplification Gear Material Description in Throne and Liberty

You've decided to use Queen Bellandir's attraction to powerful mana to lure her in. Now, in order to create artificially powerful mana, you need to create a lure using Armadillos' Sharp Scales.

What to do - Overview of Magic Amplification Gear Material in Throne and Liberty

  1. Defeat 2 Armadillos ensnared in a trap to collect Sharp Scales
Adventure Codex Magic Amplification Gear Material at Throne and Liberty
Adventure Codex Magic Amplification Gear Material at Throne and Liberty

Magic Amplification Gear Material Quest summary - Throne and Liberty

First we set a few traps, then attack the armadillos and lure them into the traps. It is important that they die in the traps.

As a reward for completing Magic Amplification Gear Material in Throne and Liberty, we receive 3 Plentiful Food Selection Chests.

Next Adventure Codex Luring Device Mana Source in Throne and Liberty