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Unexpected Variable - Quest Chapter 7 - Throne and Liberty

Unexpected Variable - Quest Chapter 7 - Throne and Liberty

5 months ago

Unexpected Variable Description in Throne and Liberty

The first attempt to build the device for luring Queen Bellandir ended in failure. Since commin Elemantal Fusion Stones often contain impurities, the cannot be used to contain delicate and complex Schema like the Magic Schema for attracting monsters. Josephine explained that making Pure Elemental Fusion Stone will make up for this error.

What to do - Overview of Unexpected Variable in Throne and Liberty

  1. Speak with Josephine at Moonlight Oasis
Adventure Codex Unexpected Variable at Throne and Liberty
Adventure Codex Unexpected Variable at Throne and Liberty

Unexpected Variable Quest summary - Throne and Liberty

Once again we talk to Venelux Wizard Josephine in Throne and Liberty. She gives us the task of collecting sand and water for a magic scheme.

As a reward for completing Unexpected Variable in Throne and Liberty, we receive 15 Quality Passive Skill Growth Books.

Next Adventure Codex Sand for Engraving Magic Schema and Water for Drawing Magic Schema in Throne and Liberty