The Truth About Elleia Quest Chapter 8 - Throne and Liberty 2 months ago Chapter 8: The Demon's Smile Share on Reddit Share on Twitter Share on Facebook The Truth About Elleia Description in Throne and Liberty Elleia left the barracks and waited for you in the Hidden Hall. While trying to avert suspicion, she made the mistake of mentioning Havres. In the end, she revealed herself as Risieth and attacked you to get your Star Fragments. What to do - Overview of The Truth About Elleia in Throne and Liberty Go to Sanctuary Oasis Elleia's tent and deliver the information about the Demon of Knowledge Examine Elleia's Letter in the barracks at Sanctuary Oasis Use the Magic Circle that Elleia left Speak with Elleia of Hidden Hall Defeat the other revealed demon Adventure Codex The Truth About Elleia in Throne and Liberty The Truth About Elleia Quest summary - Throne and Liberty Elleia is no longer in her tent, so we approach Ollis, who is standing in front of the tent, and ask. She mentioned a letter that could have been addressed to us. This letter was not here before. This must be from Elleia. "Turns out that I've got some important business that I need to take care of. Once you're done reading this letter, come meet me at the lab. I left behind a teleportation magic circle just for you. Find it by taking a look behind my quarters. - Elleia We investigate and end up at Elleia. After a brief conversation, she suddenly transforms into Demon Risieth. The demon is after our Star Fragment and attacks. As a reward for completing The Truth About Elleia in Throne and Liberty, we receive 35 Rare Weapon Growthstones. Next Appendix: Ollis's Request Next Adventure Codex Story of That Day in Throne and Liberty