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Missing Friend Quest Chapter 9 - Throne and Liberty

Missing Friend Quest Chapter 9 - Throne and Liberty

3 weeks ago

Missing Friend Description in Throne and Liberty

When you finished your mission and went to report to Arthur Talon, you learned that Benny had been kidnapped by the Akidu Orcs. On your way to Akidu Valley to rescue him, the wizard Zarek gave you an Orc Morph Potion, saying that the time will surely come when you would need it.

What to do - Overview of Missing Friend in Throne and Liberty

  1. Speak with Talon in the Talon Guild Base northwest of Canina Village
  2. Speak with Zarek
Adventure Codex Missing Friend in Throne and Liberty
Adventure Codex Missing Friend in Throne and Liberty

Missing Friend Quest summary - Throne and Liberty

Back at the Talon Guild Base, we hear worried murmurs. Talon tells us that Benny has been kidnapped. Of course, we immediately volunteer to rescue our friend. Zarek gives us an orc transformation potion and transports us to the scene of the incident.

As a reward for completing Missing Friend in Throne and Liberty, we receive 5 Mana Regen Potion.

Next Adventure Codex Benny's Trail in Throne and Liberty