Precarious Great Tree Whisperion Quest Prelude Chapter - Throne and Liberty 3 months ago Prelude: Island of the Star Born Share on Reddit Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Precarious Great Tree Whisperion description in Throne and Liberty You defeated the Black Mitrans that appeared where the fireballs landed and then headed toward Whisperion. Fortunately, Whisperion was still intact, but you couldn't help the North Guards because of a broken pulley lift. When you contacted Whisperion, a mysterious being bathed in light appeared and led you to the top of the Great Tree. What to do - Overview of Precarious Great Tree Whisperion in Throne and Liberty Move toward the Great Tree Whisperion Help Lottie defeat the Black Mitran in Whispering Plains, and then move toward the pulley lift Speak with Lottie Help the Resistance soldier in need of aid nearby Follow the Whispering Amitoi and investigate Great Tree Whisperion Adventure Codex Precarious Great Tree Whisperion in Throne and Liberty Precarious Great Tree Whisperion Quest summary - Throne and Liberty We arrive in the Whispering Plains in Throne and Liberty and can talk to the soldiers there, but we should follow Lottie as quickly as possible. Black Mitrans stand in our way and we have to fight them before we can reach the Pulley Lift. There we discover that the lift has been destroyed. We meet Bermetz, a dwarf who knows his trade. While he and Lottie are repairing the lift, we are called by a Whispering Amitoi to help an injured soldier. We then follow the creature to the Great Tree Whisperion and touch the Mark of Whisperion there. As a reward for completing Precarious Great Tree Whisperion in Throne and Liberty, we receive 1 Tasty Food Selection Chest. Next Adventure Codex Whispering Amitoi in Throne and Liberty Old Adventure Codex Whisperion in Peril in Throne and Liberty Old Adventure Codex Whisperion in Peril in Throne and Liberty