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Throne and Liberty Eternal Warlord's Greaves
Legs Armor

Epic 2
Lv. 0
Melee Defense
Ranged Defense
Damage Reduction
Max Health
Ranged Evasion
Part of the Skilled Veteran Set
2 Items: Melee, Ranged, and Magic Endurance Increase 120 , Melee, Ranged, and Magic Endurance Increases 120 for self and party members within 18m
4 Items: Damage Reduction Increase 12, Damage Reduction Increases 12 for self and party members within 18m
Possible Traits:
Debuff Duration: -6%
Max Health: +600
Melee Endurance: +160
Melee Evasion: +160
Ranged Endurance: +160
Ranged Evasion: +160
Eternal Warlord's Greaves

Item Stats

Level Melee Defense Ranged Defense Magic Defense Damage Reduction Max Health Ranged Evasion Strength
1 242 265 - 3 215 108 2
2 252 276 - 4 255 118 2
3 263 288 - 5 295 128 2
4 273 299 - 6 335 138 3
5 284 311 - 6 365 148 3
6 294 322 - 7 405 158 3
7 305 334 - 8 445 168 3
8 315 345 - 9 485 178 4
9 326 357 - 9 515 188 4
10 336 368 - 10 555 198 4
11 347 380 - 11 595 208 4
12 357 391 - 12 635 218 5

Possible Traits

  • Debuff Duration
  • Max Health
  • Melee Endurance
  • Melee Evasion
  • Ranged Endurance
  • Ranged Evasion