Assassin's Laboratory Dungeon Guide - Throne & Liberty Andrew 4 months ago Advanced Dungeons PvE Share on Reddit Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Table of Contents First Room First Boss - Giant Eccentric Soul Generators Second Boss - Giant Monster Wraith Final Boss - Kaiser Crimson Welcome to our dungeon guide for the Assassin's Laboratory in Throne & Liberty. Assassin's Laboratory is a +++ difficulty dungeon in the Dimensional Circle. This is the highest difficulty currently available for co-op dungeons in Throne & Liberty. The minimum level for the dungeon is level 55. For more guides about a variety of topics in TL, please check our Throne & Liberty Guides Database. Assassin's Laboratory dungeon in Throne & Liberty First Room The first room consists of two floors. You will see three magic locks on the upper floor, each one guarded by some mobs. Defeat the mobs to deactivate the magic locks. When all three locks are deactivated, you can proceed to the first boss. Deactivate the magic locks to open the door First Boss - Giant Eccentric Giant Eccentric is the first boss in Assassin's Laboratory. This boss has a decent range of attacks, some of which require you to take avoiding action: Sword Attacks - The boss has a big sword or meat cleaver in his right hand. He will frequently strike out at whichever player has aggro. Ground Slam - The boss jumps in the air and slams to the ground, dealing AoE damage to players nearby. You can try to move away when the boss jumps up, but you don't have much time. Another option is to jump just before he lands. Fury Attack - The boss lashes out with chains. To avoid this attack, you must dodge it (use the block skill while moving). Look out for the diamond-shaped Fury Attack indicator. Vomit - The boss vomits a red liquid at the tank. This can also cleave other players who are in the way, so try to stay behind the boss and avoid stacking with the tank. Blood Waves - The boss calls forth red waves that gradually move through the room, hurting anyone who touches them. There are gaps in the waves that allow you to pass through unharmed. Giant Eccentric Boss Fury Attack in Throne & Liberty Assassin's Laboratory After defeating Giant Eccentric, the floor will give way and you fall into the next area. Use your Glide Morph before you hit the ground, or you will die from fall damage. Soul Generators Go down the stairs in the next area, and the path will fork into a left and a right room. Each room contains a Soul Generator that must be activated to proceed. The red line on the ground shows the way to the Soul Generators. Groups of mobs guard them. Activate the Soul Generators to proceed After activating both Soul Generators, return to the previous room to face the second boss. Second Boss - Giant Monster Wraith The Giant Monster Wraith is the second boss in Throne & Liberty's Assassin's Laboratory. The mechanics of this boss are explained below: Basic Swipes - The boss attacks the player with aggro using swipe attacks with its hands. Fury Attack - The boss can target the tank with a Fury Attack, which they can mitigate with a well-timed block. Fury Shockwave - The boss does another Fury Attack, this time targeted at the whole group. This one needs to be dodged, rather than blocked. Targeted Projectiles - The boss hunches over for a couple of seconds, then launches projectiles at all players, dealing a lot of damage. The healer can use the Invincible Wall skill to defend the group against this attack, if they have chosen the Targets Expanded specialisation. Imprisonment - A player is locked in a prison in the middle of the room. Other players can break them out by attacking the prison. Watch out, as the boss will still do some attacks during this phase. Attack the prison to release the trapped player, while looking out for Fury Attacks Final Boss - Kaiser Crimson To proceed to the final boss, use a combination of your grappling hook and glide morph to pass over the large gap. Go up the stairs and you will enter a large circular room, where Kaiser Crimson can be found. Kaiser Crimson is the final boss of the Assassin's Laboratory in Throne & Liberty. This is a mechanically complex boss fight that is likely to be a challenge for newcomers. Important: Before starting the boss fight, you should assign two ranged DPS players to special roles - You need one Fear Kiter and one Dagger Kiter. These roles are explained along with the mechanics below. The mechanics and attacks are explained below: Basic Attack - When he's not doing anything else, the boss will attack the tank with melee strikes. Fury Shockwave - The boss does a Fury Attack targeted at the whole group. To avoid the damage, execute a well-timed dodge. Fear - The boss teleports to the furthest player away and casts Fear on them. The Fear Kiter should ensure they are the furthest player from the boss in order to catch this mechanic. A purple circle appears around them. They will also get purple orbs above their head. The number of orbs indicates how many players must stand inside the purple circle, including the feared player. So, if there are three orbs, two players must enter the purple circle to join the feared player. The Dagger Kiter is exempt from this and should not enter the purple circle. Doing this mechanic correctly will summon the Darkslayer's Memory AoE (explained below), which is vital to continue the fight. Fury Dagger - Immediately after the Fear mechanic, the boss will do a Fury Attack, throwing a dagger at the furthest player. The Dagger Kiter's job is to ensure they are the furthest player from the boss immediately after he does the Fear teleport, and be ready to block the dagger. Ensure the path of the boss' dagger throw is well away from the Darkslayer's Memory AoE. Darkslayer's Memory - The AoE created at the end of the Fear mechanic is called Darkslayer's Memory. After Fury Dagger, the group gets a bleeding debuff, which will damage them and reduce their healing. Players should stand in the Darkslayer's Memory area to cure the bleeding. The tank should use Stalwart Bastion, and the Healer should use Fountain of Life, Blessed Barrier and Invincible Wall to help the group survive. When the bleed is gone, the Fury Kiter should leave the area to catch another dagger. Red Orbs - The boss teleports to the middle of the room and selects the two closest players. The two players with the red orbs should move away from the Darkslayer's Memory AoE. Large red AoEs will drop on these players. The rest of the group must avoid smaller red dagger AoEs, which can easily be sidestepped. Once the large AoEs have been dropped on the red orb players, all players should meet again in the Darkslayer's Memory AoE. Crystal Break - The boss will turn invisible and begin charging a Fury Attack. Every player must stack tightly on the crystal in the middle of the Darkslayer's Memory AoE. The dagger will be thrown at the group as a Fury Attack - it needs to hit the crystal to break it, which will also dispel the Darkslayer's Memory AoE. If the crystal isn't broken, the group will wipe. Deadly Blast - The entire room is filled with a red aura, which one-shots anyone in it. The boss is still invisible, but a pizza-shaped safe zone appears behind the boss. Everyone must quickly run into the safe area. Anyone who doesn't get there in time will die. Take care not to run into the AoEs still lingering from the Red Orbs mechanic. Low HP - Below 45% HP, the boss will give the Red Orb to the closest three players rather than the closest two. Kaiser Crimson will continue to cycle through the mechanics aove for the duration of the fight. See the images below to get a better visual reference for the mechanics described above. Fear Mechanic - Kaiser Crimson Darkslayer's Memory AoE - Kaiser Crimson Take refuge in the Darkslayer's Memory AoE to survive the bleed Avoid the small AoEs when returning after the Red Orb phase Take refuge in the pizza slice to survive the one-shot attack We hope you liked this guide about the Assassin's Laboratory dungeon in Throne & Liberty. About the Author: Andrew Andrew is an avid long-time gamer and writer with a lot of experience in the gaming industry. Andrew also writes content for and